With all apologies to The Lady Chablis.

Jan 17, 2006 19:31

Lots of mama drama last night "on the boards" (read: in one of my moms' grpups). I think the tension and confusion have fed into my already crap mood.

Oh, my dear friend Cj  (z"l) used to laugh and laugh when she would get her "time," with me to follow shortly thereafter. "I'm old," she would say to me. "I'm the hormonal dominatrix." Sometimes I miss her so much. She would have been one of my bridesmaids, but after the chemo port was inserted into her neck, she was too self-conscious to wear the dress. *sigh*

All right, this is so maudlin. I need to snap out of it. "Two tears in a bucket," right? seems like the PMS has gotten worse since the birth of son #2. PPD + PMS is not a delicious alphabet soup.

Perhaps I need to concede that I still need the antidepressants. Oh, fuck you, Tom Cruise. Go chase after Xenu.

What I need is a good night's sleep. I was up much of last night w/son #2, who regressed into weird infantile inconsolability.

And also I need something to look forward to. Maybe I should book my Saddlebrook day.

Yeah, and the Jeep Liberty B-L-O-W-S with a capital SUCK. Bring my van home to me, repair shop!

Time to eat, I guess.

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