I was leaning toward Obama, but honestly I couldn't go with either candidate enough to actually vote FOR either. Most of my reason for liking Obama was based on my friends' opinions of him. With that as my main reason, I really didn't want to sheep-vote. Also, I couldn't tell whose words to trust(of my friends and family). Some people said some things about Obama that might be impeachable offenses, and would have kept him from making it this far. But he's gotten this far. If he's accepted campaign donations from non-US citizens, and if he actually has ties to Al-Queda..... don't you think Homeland Security would have tackled him already?
Then today, after the polls closed, my co-workers expressed their disdain for Obama, calling him "Osama" and... "nigger". *shudddddddderrrrr* I hate to even type that word. I expressed my disapproval of those two words, but THEY DIDN'T CARE. Eventually, after their prodding, I finally told them who I voted for. Neither. I just skipped the presidential section and voted on a few bills. They were happy that I at least didn't vote for Obama. I almost wish I did vote for him, now, just to offset their predudice(also, a friend of mine asked me to vote for Obama in place of him due to not getting his absentee ballot cast in time). The co-worker that actually used [the word] was even the only non-annoying girl there. If I were to date ANY of my female co-workers, I would have chosen her. Now I have no interest in her.
I have enough black friends that I have a right to be offended by racial slurs. The only black people I know are very awesome people. Also, unfortunately for my co-workers, blacks make up a large percentage of our customers.