I just treated myself to a few chips. Not many but, a few.
Got to see Alicia and loved it. I spend all my time with her now. I was late to work because I wanted to be with her every last minute. I stayed and tried to make her do her homework. I’d do anything for her.
My Day/week has been eventful.
I had cramps (a.k.a: squirrals wanted their nuts bad so they attacked victious for them)
My Boy was on his way over to see me tonight. While he was driving some people decided to mess with him. Shinning their brights, speeding up to his car and getting up in front of it and stopping ect…. They followed him a good few miles to my neighborhood.
I’m leaving my Alicia’s house and I see my Bf drive by, and then all of a sudden stop and back up at about 30 mph. I was like whoa. Thinking maybe he’s mad at me? Well, I drove home in a minute. He calls me saying some losers decided to mess with him all the way here and they won’t stop following him. I quickly back out of my drive way (almost hitting a black truck that drove by) and went looking for the cars. They wind up going all over the neighborhood and to the high school after on the four in that car throws an EMPTY water bottle at my hunny. Which this is also funny: while they were driving because our high school has two back entrances and they seemed to of known there way around it. So, I BET it was someone from high school.
Anyway he gets back down Alicia’s street and I’m pulled in a drive way, I back the heck out real quickly and chase them with my boy. We get them corned cop style. There’s smoke everywhere from the tires grinding on the pavement. So, I decided to back up like an idiot and they get away. While my boyfriend steps out of his car asking them to come on and front their stuff. They couldn’t come out and bring it with my boyfriend. They back up and drive away. I chase them while my boy is fuming mad. It was a chick driving and I chase her a few miles down and say screw it because I don’t want to drive like an accident waiting to happen. The car and the people, it looks like a crainberry Monte carlo almost… I have a feeling that it was and if I find out it’s them there done by me and my boy. He gets the 3 guys and I get the chick. When I’m done with her I can beat up the guys because I’m a tough girl. WHERE ARE THE CENTERLINE cops when you need them; come on! We could oF MY BOYFRIEND AND I WOULD OFPAW* OWNED THEMf
Kyle's best friend loyally came over as soon as possible and we told him the story. If he was there and was chasing them, he wouldn’t have given up chasing them like I did. He has a fast engine and could care less about a ticket. We went to Coney’s and made fun of his other friend; p