Jun 12, 2007 16:04
i've forgotten how to write one of these.
we got our mid-terms back last night. i got an A, but not really. professor stuart is very funny. she marked it once and crossed it out, went back and re-marked it so i would get an 80. she told us that she only gave out two A's and i thought that tehmina got the other one, but she didn't and she was really jealous of me, as everyone is/should be. half the day is gone and i haven't worked on my essay or started the (very heavy) readings for tomorrow. but i have watched passions twice!
so, remember those cupcakes i made a few days ago. yeah i just finished them. three dozen in less than four days. and an entire can of frosting. i can't believe how thin i am. i have a massive, sugar-induced headache. and i'm terribly nauseated.
for the last two days, we've had amazing weather. even though i'm not fond of summer, but this heat is dry and the sky is completely clear. if i wasn't afriad of tanning/burning/freckling, i'd sit outside and do my hmwrk.
i guess that's everything.