stupid things

Jun 17, 2007 23:09

i felt compelled to create a post as a follow-up to my pre-exams, nerve-induced biology-vomit.

well, turns out, all that cramming over the weekend paid off because i think the exam went pretty well. except for those two questions in which i referred to pathogens as a good thing and antigens as a bad thing. i know. dumbass. i just generally tend to see p-words as friendlier than anti-words. but, obviously, not everybody follows my logic. and i'm kind of crossing my fingers that those were the only questions in which i made that stupid blunder. honestly, that was year 10 science. i didn't even have to take biology to have known that pathogens = bad. blegh.

no use getting worked up over it, though. if i did do poorly, i may as well enjoy my time now not knowing my results, because i'll be kicking myself later when i do get them.

as for psychology...well...hnh. that's all i can say. truth be told, i didn't study. i meant to. i meant to cram the stuff into my head the night before (because, obviously, the weekend was taken up with learning  revising the biology stuff). but i got caught up making myself really pretty rafael nadal avatars.

aaaaaaaand...this is when the tumbleweed rolls through the screen and the crickets start chirping.

really. it's sad.

i can't even play tennis for peanuts. i can't even serve the ball within the court lines. heck, i can't even serve the damn thing over the net. and, as i've mentioned before, i hate his arms. and he's too buff for my liking. but his beliefs and his approach to his sport and his fans are so refreshing. really. i've fallen in love with his interviews.

blah. i actually wrote a post last tuesday with a list detailing why i liked him. it was long and extensive and (i like to think) funny. but then i clicked things and the screen went boom! (or, rather, blank) and gone was my long list, and blah.

but blah, and blah, and blah. whatever, as we teenagers are fond of saying. whatever indeed.

as i have nothing really worthwhile to say, i'll leave you with a list of

'you have a criteria, right. everybody does. nobody fits this criteria so you just try to compensate with what's around you that you have , with everybody and everything.' - a friend on why i fall 'in love' with ugly celebrities, people i shouldn't even consider liking (*cough* teachers), book characters, forum administrators, 300-year-old guys from the french revolution, and disney characters

me: obviously, if he's the guy for me, he wouldn't say anything corny and sweet. he'd just, like, grunt and be like 'get out of my face'
friend: do you realise that...when guys do that, it means they don't like you.
- when asked what i would do if i found a guy for me who was filled with too much cheese

'one day you're gonna look back and thank me for my perspective on things'
- can't remember the exact conversation, but i think i was just done giving stupid advice to a friend

friend: you're going to be playing truth and dare in ten years...
me: what's 'tootenbear'?
- because the phone makes things sound different. i swear. :/

'i'm not stalking him! if i were stalking him, i would know where he lived. ...but yeah, i do know, however, that he lives in mallorca in an apartment block with his whole family. oh, and his girlfriend lives in palma...'  - me trying (and failing) to refute the claim that i'm stalking rafael nadal.

friend: they said you were brilliant
me: well i didn't hear them. tell them to tell me i'm brilliant. 
friend: jess, viv wants you to tell her she's brilliant
other friend: viv, you're brilliant
- because i made awesome posters for the swimming carnival. i even got my picture taken with them =D

friend: everything in our world is 3-D...
me: except paper! ...wait...forget i said that

'and he was getting all emo, so i told him to listen to mariah carey'

friend: don't you ever feel lonely?
me: yeah! like, when i'm at home by myself and i say something stupid and then i think that if someone were there they'd laugh. but nobody's there, so i just say something stupid and then i laugh to myself
friend: yeah, no, that wasn't what i was talking about

'you don't make me look like a shrimp...maybe you're like a bream. and i'm a piece of tuna in a can' - on me being short. but, honestly, my analogy makes sense

me: i don't want to go out this weekend. it's so pointless
friend: you don't even study at home. and you call going out with your friend pointless?

'i wouldn't even marry rafael nadal. he'd be like 'you is so beautiful' and i'd be all 'it's you're, stupid.' - me lamenting the fact that i'm too picky for my own good. but his english is improving. and his accent makes me smile.

'i counted, and you didn't wash your hands for long enough' - because my friend goes to the toilet while we're on the phone

'i ate things, rash. god, i hate myself.' - me during PMS

'you can go sit on mr. ___'s lap. 'get on me, you little kid!' ...i mean, oops! **'get off me, you little kid!''

friend: so what does it take for a guy to change your mind about marriage?
me: five bottles of beer and a night in las vegas
- because i don't want to get married

me: i always associated 'the strokes' with big, bold, white lines
friend: you mean 'the white stripes?' 
- because music is not my forte

friend: so how'd it go
me: it didn't
friend:'d you go?
me: i walked there
- on being asked how my exam went last year

me: grrr, i'm angry! >:/ aas24q-asda2-awr9qurafs-a3req
friend: hey, lol, that looks like a serial number.
me: hey, maybe it is. maybe...i'm a walking, talking serial number generator!
- msn conversation

me: it's pronounced bun-dee-tos, stupid. i would know, seeing as spain took over the philippines in the 15th or 16th century or whatever, and spain is practically mexico anyway
friend: viv, where's spain?
me: ummm...near mexico?
- arguing about the correct way to pronounce 'banditos.' i always thought spain was near mexico. :/ thank god i'm not taking geography this year.

haha, i suck


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