(no subject)

Jan 09, 2009 10:29

i dont work fridays anymore, so i am home with my babies right now.
marley is six months old this month and he is going through a badddd phase. help?! (he is sitting in my lap right now watching me type and he is mesmorized by the new letters popping up on the screen....just some insight into his personality...)
he is still in love with me and still very confused about his identity as a cat! whenever i am home, he is touching me in some way. he plays on my feet when im walking, gets in my lap if im sitting, lays on my head if im sleeping. this is not an exaggeration. he is ALWAYS on me. he has some very very serious attachment issues.
this is his new, horrible thing...when i sit down in a chair as if to eat supper or go on the computer, he grabs on with his nails to my shirt and climbs my back to sit on my shoulder. he likes to lick my face so much that whenever he sees me, he automatically makes any attempt he can to get to my head and lick my face. he thinks i am his mom and he wants to "groom" me, but these little kisses have now cause ripped shirts AND ripped skin since he is CLIMBING ME all the time.
he gets along GREAT with nola and peajay, so its not that he is afraid of them or afraid of anything. he is obsessed with me. and when i push him down or dont let him get on me, he whines and whines. i have never had an animal with such bad attachment issues. its sweet and all, but seriously, wtf?
i dont know what to do, because i love him, ya know! but soon he will be bigger and it will be summmer and i wont be wearing sweaters anymore. if he tries to climb up me when he weighs 9 pounds and i have bare skin, it could really hurt me a lot worse!
how to tell a kitten you're just not that into him?
poor little guy.
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