new year's

Jan 01, 2008 03:06

If I knew this is where I would be while I was still living in the past, would I change it? Yes.
Would I change anything? Yep.

But this is now and I can't change a lot. So Happy New Year's and here's to another year -- 2008! I hope it rocks.

My New Year's Resolution(s):
1. A word a day to make my vocabulary bigger from A-Z (or how far 2008 will take me). I must also use this word once that whole day...
This has been something I've been wanting to do, since I read this book about this Jewish girl and her Nazi lover (post WWII). It was a very good book, and the one thing she specialized in that book was that she went through the whole dictionary.

2. Exercise at least once a week...
Sometimes it's hard to find time to exercise, but I will try to do this more often. I say "once a week", because I'm being realistic here. So when I do it more than twice a week, I will feel great knowing I am doing more than what I intended for.

3. Less crying...
I noticed how much I've cried this year. I'm running out of tears, so I guess I should save the waterworks for something that's worth it.

4. Be more independent & love myself more....
I've just been feeling clingy, and I have low self-esteem even more now than high school. It's so sad, because I'm in college! I think this will also help my relationship with Scott.

5. Make good grades...
This is actually my 1st priority compared to the other resolutions in this list. Enough said.

6. Find a hobby...
Scott has rock climbing, and he suggested that I should try to find a hobby to keep me occupied. I don't really know anything that I'm interested in, so for this year, I might at least try to find something that I'll like.

7. Be happy...
Okay, so this is my other 1st priority. Alright, so it's above #5. I just need to appreciate life and be happy. If I'm happy, then everything else on this list doesn't really matter. #5 is an exception. Future is happiness (if it's a good one).

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