creeped out

Dec 21, 2007 06:23

So I woke up to Gizmo, my dog, growling and staring blankly at...I don't know what. My dog sleeps with me, and this has been the first time since he's ever growled at..well nothing. I mean, at home that is. He's done this at my college habitat house once, and I believe that place is haunted. I think one of the haunted areas is my room.

Usually, my dog goes back to sleep, but for some reason, he was growling at the back of his throat. I thought it was because he was sitting on my neck, but I moved away and thought he would stop. Nope. He kept going. I finally decided to get up and turn on the lights.

Still creeped out. I wonder what he saw? Probably a ghost. Damn.
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