Feb 03, 2009 11:56
My Mother who lives just about 4 miles from us, has always been a huge help in taking care of Ashur, and taking great joy in her grandchild. Her support has been so valuable, that I can't even being to express what our lives would be like without her. She's amazing.
So much so, that she's offered to take Ash overnight! Woody and I are planning to go see a show that a good friend of ours is performing in, and we're going to stay downtown at their guest suite (they live in a high rise apartment complex) and make a whole night of it... adult style!
A part of me is so excited I can't stand it, another part of me is petrified. Ash is not yet night weaned. He still wakes 2-3 times a night to eat and snuggle. He co-sleeps with us 30% of the night (usually from about 3-6), and it works well for us, which is why it hasn't changed.
Although my Mom will have milk to give Ash in a bottle, it will be a hassle to have to wake up and prepare it. She'll have the ability to sleep with him if need be, but isn't 100% comfortable doing so for long periods. I'm worried that once she experiences what a hassle it will be, there will be no more overnighters at Grandmas until he's night weaned.... which I have no idea when that will be.
But it will be on a weekend, and she'll have Sunday to recover from whatever lack of sleep she'll experience; and I'll have Sunday to recover from feeling terribly guilty about leaving my boob-monster alone for a whole night.