Feb 29, 2004 08:09
hi kids.
so my yesterday went something like this.
1. went to grey pony to blow my paycheck. bought new barn shoes and grap strap for my saddle and some horsey magazines.
2. got in the car to go to work and found i didnt have the key to my lockers (everything i need to ride is in my locker bootsn helmet most importantly)
3. was unsuccesful in cutting off my lock
4. it was gorgeous and i didnt get to ride my lucy pony cause she was lame.
5 borrowed a helmet and rode in said new shows got on emmitt to have a longe lesson. he was lame
6. got on breezy. had very physicaly strenuos lesson with jess. (longing is when you ride the horse with out hands or stirups to put your feet in and your horse is on the end of a very long rope and they're controlled entirely by your trainer)
7. went out on a trail with kat and emma. horse was being an idiot and jumped a 2 foot log from a stand still and i wasnt paying attention and fell off (hit rib cage and bad knee on a think a tree branch on the way down). horse was in the back of the line squeeling and bucking so i had to go tot he front and he chomped on the bit and tried to run off the wholeway home.
8. fed with kat. kristin was suposed to help too but she didnt show up untill we had 20 min left till we were done.
9. mom picked me up, hiked to damascus to look at a dressage coat that didnt fit, so they're ordering another one and i'll have to go out there again when it comes in.
10. stoped at the lewandowskis to see they're new barn.
11. went to montgomery mall to pick up make up for mom and had diner
12. mom bought me my fav. muscle soak from crabtree and evelyn and some nice lotion
13. fell in love with greeb suede jacket in nordstroms mom thought it was ugly so i convinced her to buy the black version and i'd pay her back (joy!)
14. left to rent movies got jackass, 28 days later and oceans 11
15. took a bath with new muscle soak. cleaned my room then went to bed.
so far today
1. woke up. knee isnt quite as tender and swollen as it was yesterday. cant say the same for my rob cage. the rest of me is very sore. am not going to work early to ride this morning.
2. did laundry
3. worte for yu fine people.