Feb 23, 2004 19:13
rhapsodyinred311: enuff with the mean-ness
rhapsodyinred311: please?
Matherte: mean?
Matherte: me/
Matherte: never
rhapsodyinred311: ummmm:
rhapsodyinred311: Matherte: dumbass
Matherte: JESUS!
rhapsodyinred311: love you too
Matherte: NO SHIT!
rhapsodyinred311: you gotta stop this whole being mean thing
Matherte: you're now as smart as a pig
Matherte: aaahaha
Matherte: thats not being mean...
Matherte: thats uhh
Matherte: being personable
rhapsodyinred311: too harsh to be playful
Matherte: psh... alright honey
rhapsodyinred311: i dunno. i just feel ike you been um out of touch, not quite sure how to word it
rhapsodyinred311: so that coupled with me being slightly freaked out
rhapsodyinred311: just wondering
rhapsodyinred311: i'm prolly imagining it
rhapsodyinred311: cause you did tell me if you werent happy or had something to say you'd say so
rhapsodyinred311: and now i'm rambling and i'm shutting up before i say more stupid stuff
Matherte: alright... I'm not happy
rhapsodyinred311: ok
rhapsodyinred311: whats going on
rhapsodyinred311: ?
Matherte: I dunno... I'm just not having fun aymore
Matherte: when ever we go out, its like I gotta pout on a show for u or we don't have fun
rhapsodyinred311: why do ypou feel like that
Matherte: and its seems like ur not enjoying it anymore, I know I am
Matherte: not*
rhapsodyinred311: i was happy
rhapsodyinred311: i dont think you need to show off for me
rhapsodyinred311: i like you more when you act yourself
Matherte: and then we talk, remembering converstaions, we have nothing in common
Matherte: I tak about computers, u horses
rhapsodyinred311: and you listen and i listen
Matherte: I dunno, I just don't feel right when I'm with u
rhapsodyinred311: ok well i cant help thati tried tell you that you didnt have to show off
rhapsodyinred311: i like you the way ypu are
rhapsodyinred311: but obviously you dont feel that way
rhapsodyinred311: i dont know what else i cansay or do
rhapsodyinred311: i thought things were cool
rhapsodyinred311: and you cant expect me to help thing when you dont say anything
Matherte: they were...
rhapsodyinred311: so what changed
Matherte: I don't know...
rhapsodyinred311: something had to happen we used to talk like crazy, didnt matter that it wasnt about comon stuff
Matherte: it was new, it was exciting... but now...
Matherte: but look
rhapsodyinred311: before you say anything
Matherte: I told before all this stuff, I'm lookin for anything seriou
Matherte: u just read me wrong
rhapsodyinred311: you should know that things arent always going to be peachy and exciting thats just part of life
Matherte: ended it once because want a relationship, and then a week later, u ask me again like my answer is gonna chang
rhapsodyinred311: matt. you confused the hell out of me.
rhapsodyinred311: you'd say you didnt want something and we stoped talking for like 2 weeks then you came back talking to me saying you regreted ending things the first time
rhapsodyinred311: we went back and forth for over a month because you couldnt make up your mind
rhapsodyinred311: its no wonder i read you wrong
Matherte: I never said that
Matherte: ah lord
rhapsodyinred311: well i thinkt he punch line is apprent. i've tried to keep things cool and honest and fun but i guess it didnt work
rhapsodyinred311: lemme just say that i fell for the guy that was cool and calm all the time, running after people in the streets was amusing but not neccessary
rhapsodyinred311: i just need my dads book back
Matherte: the only reason we got "together" as because u convinced me to try somethin new
Matherte: but never gave u a definative answer
Matherte: but my mind never changed
rhapsodyinred311: nevermind
rhapsodyinred311: whats done is done
Matherte: whats done is done
rhapsodyinred311: i hope we can be cool
Matherte: yeah
rhapsodyinred311: later
i tried.