Feb 25, 2008 08:01
Last few weeks i have been blessed with a social life!
Last Nite- Krystal's 21st bday- Rocky Horror Picture Show
Rocky horror in the New Star City theatre was really good. I really enjoyed it. The Frank n furter was a really good actor but still not as good as the original guy (who i have forgotton the name of). The rocky annoyed me a bit because he had a god awful fake australian accent. Carmella had a great singing voice and janice was just as annoying as she was in the movie, if not more annoying. Overall it was a good show and I got a T-shirt! Felt a lil bad about not wearing rocky horror stuff in the city, but then again i have really nothing i could have worn. I also tried mascara for the first time ever, jo said that there was no real difference between my eyes before and after.
Renee's party the week 16/2
Ok this isnt really a booster to my social life... it was a quiet home party. We played eyetoy and my wii all arvo and ate and ate and ate. Felt sorry for Parmada, we had all forgotten that she was a vegetarian and most of the foods contained either meat or chicken or egg. It was a fun day, even though i had to take my grandmum to the docs before hand and have crazy drama with priscila about picking her up from her house. I had wanted to pick her up from the shopping center, but made this huge loop to pick her up which annoyed me.
Man-hating day 14/2
Well lachlan certainly made it into man-hating day, with lack of flowers and plan. I only wanted one flower!! For the plan it was to go see a movie, which started around 5 mins before i finished work!- Nice planning. We ended up spending it walking around Randwick for a bit then going to Ramankan (one of my fav jap places) then cruising back home. Ok it was kinda enjoyable being each other's company but i wished there was a definate plan.
Doris and Seok's 21st 9/2 and Michael's 21st 9/2
I was at lachlan's house the day before (we drove up after my work) and went to Michael's 21st in the mountains. It was quite nice, TONNES AND TONNES of food and they kept alcoholling me which was awesome, but i had a nasty cold then. I had a chat to a few ppl who are really into Acturial studies, being their uni degree which got a bit boring after a while.
Doris and Seoks was so much fun, i think i was a lil tipsy when making the speech, apparently we dont love JT (WE DO WE DO) and bitch about men together (and yes esp about lachlan lolz). It was fun with plenty of ppl, it was almost like a catch up session for most of it, but isnt it always like that at most parties. I think i like parties where i know most of the ppl!!! (duh)
Irene's housewarming 8/2
I was really really sick at Irene's house and trying to stay alive zapped most of my energy. It was really fun to see how grown up Irene was. Wow she has a HOUSE! I dont, i just live with my parents and mooch food and facilities off them, i'm not ready yet. A lot bigger than i would have expected because its student accommodation actually REALLY REALLY BIG!!! It was nice when ppl came over and the whole place filled up! Would u rather have a hand or feet on your head ?