Oct 05, 2009 12:33
my first challenge with this skirt is using what i have to make what i want. i don't have much suitable fabric with me, and it isn't particularly easy for me to acquire more. interestingly though, i don't really have a clear idea in my head of what i want. i think i may have even more than one skirt swimming through my brain, pretending to be all the same skirt (this happens to me frequently and i find it distracting). i have pretty clear ideas on shape, accents and the overall style, but color and fabric choices are still far beyond me. i now have several sheets of paper each with a different design for skirt or top in a pile on my desk. originally i thought i had narrowed it down to one choice, but i wonder now if i didn't manage to convince myself afterall, and am now meandering aimlessly through a muddy soup of skirts. (that was not a very effective metaphor. i apologize.)
while putting away the sewing stuff i just brought over from chatsworth i found this great failed dress that is light pink, sort of lightweight cotton, and ruched just the tiniest bit. my first thought was 'this will be great for my skirt! it's absolutely perfect!' and my second thought was 'huh? i'm not sure this was what i wanted at all...' now i am wondering just which skirt i thougth it was perfect for. i still have all my other fabric to go through though, so this could (probably will) get even more crazy. i'm rather excited.
sadly my choices for tops are nearly as diverse as for skirts. i had a concrete plan for what i wanted, but no way to execute it. cutting my losses, i came up with a new plan that i conveniently liked quite as much. almost as soon as i developed it (with patterns to begin the mockup even), i found a pattern that could possibly work for my original plan. now i'm back to the beginning, wondering which is more practical, and more likely to actually happen. i think, assuming i have the time, i'll make a mockup for both, and not make any decisions until i see each of them on me. at this point i don't really know that either will work in any case.