(no subject)

Oct 24, 2009 11:41

Title: It's All About Power
Author: mad_jaks
Genre: Ficlet, D/s, femdom, het, hurt/comfort
Characters: Kate/Gibbs
Challenge: The NCIS kink meme: for lothy who wanted Kate/Gibbs - gentle D/s (femdom) where Gibbs takes care of Kate. Bonus points if he's comforting her after something traumatic (maybe Ari-related).
Rating: NC17
Notes: I'd never considered Kate/Gibbs before and I've certainly not written femdom before but this just appealed to me. Set after 1x23: Reveille.
Summary: First time. I don't think I'm alone in writing first times for characters when trying to find a way into a new dynamic am I?
Word Count: 1674
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money

It's All About Power

The fifth time she breaks off typing, rearranging her desk for a moment before almost getting up from her seat to come and talk to him - they're the only two still here after all and he's certain she's not ready to leave just yet, the same way he's certain he won't be going anywhere until she does (leave, that is) - only to sit back down again, Gibbs knows he has to say something. Besides, he really needs a fresh cup of coffee and he isn't about to risk leaving to fetch a refill and give her the opportunity to bolt.

"Got a problem Kate?"

"Uh-" She blinks rapidly a couple of times making it seem as if, though he's been watching her from Tony's desk for maybe a couple of hours now - and generally thirty seconds of his uninterrupted gaze is enough to make her nervous - she'd forgotten he was even here.

He gestures across at her desk.

"Do you have any outstanding problems, Agent Todd?"

"Outstanding problems?" she bursts out, eyes narrowed (like he'd known she would) then stops, standing up all in a rush and heading toward him (like he'd hoped she would) and stabbing one finger back toward her monitor. "You mean like with my report? With me writing up how that... that man treated me while I was with him? With crossing the t's and dotting the i's?"

"No, I mean with you."

"With me?" she echoes, drawing to something that's as close to a standstill as she can obviously manage right now - a tight two step of pacing - beside him. He halts it with one hand wrapped loosely round her wrist, tugging her toward him.

"You were kidnapped and held." He lifts his other hand, tracing the fragile line of her cheek upward to the temple, lifting her hair back off her face - the cut's not going to leave a scar, and if he has his way, nothing else will either. "That's hard on anyone. Let alone a woman."

"Let alone a woman?"

He tips his head, considering. How to make this clear to her, that he knows how this feels? "There are dangers no man has to face in that kind of situation. Not if he's lucky anyway... Dangers many women face every day, just going about their daily lives," he adds softly.

"You're talking about rape. I never thought Ari would rape me!" But he's not far from the truth, he can feel it in the low grade shiver that runs though her.


"But what?"

"Rape's not about sex. We both know that."

"It's about power," she admits, disentangling herself from his grasp. "Control."

He nods, swiveling on the seat, as, still apparently unable to stand still, she begins to roam the file cabinets behind him. "Ari had it."

"He still has it," she states, voice flat; still restless she tugs at a few random drawers.

She's right. Ari does. Over her. Over him. Over his people - over his team. And while there's not much he can do about the big picture, Kate he can help. "But you can get it back." Third drawer down, he thinks at her, you were there, you saw them. Panties, one pair of: red, lacy - never washed - a legacy of some recent one night stand of Tony's.

"I can?" She pauses. Bends.

Finally. "Yes," he says, softly, starting to get up, willing to give her all the encouragement she needs.

Not that it appears she needs much because she turns, pushing him back down onto the chair, tossing the panties into his lap. "You don't have to face death to feel alive, do you Gibbs?" she challenges, voice low. And he wants to smile but knows it's the last thing she needs from him right this minute. He does, though allow himself to finger them briefly before lifting his head and looking her square in the face.

"No ma'am, that I don't."

She nods, briefly, sweeps her hair back over her shoulder with one hand and leans in. There's nothing abnormal about her body language, nothing to show she's propositioning him, even Tony (if he were here) wouldn't have had a sly word to say about it. They're just two colleagues pulling an all nighter, killing time before the next flurry of reports come in or staving off sleep with a little human interaction.

"Ma'am. I like that. And for tonight, I'm going to call you Jethro."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am."

"And what I want you to do... Jethro-." It's the briefest of hesitations, followed by longer one. Not something he wants to hear from her right now, not if they're both going to get through this.

"Ma'am?" he prompts, hands still, folded neatly on top of the scrap of red fabric, eyes cast down. Anything to make it easier for her, this first - one - possibly only time.

She clears her throat. "What I want you to do is go to the ladies bathroom." There's a hint of a smile in her voice, he always knew she was smart. "Change into those panties, then come back here."

Gibbs swallows, one of the dangers of working with a newbie is they don't know how very literally this works. "Pants on or off, ma'am?" he asks respectfully, head still bowed. And it's a fraction of a second before she answers.

"On, Jethro. Pants very decidedly on, thank you."

It's the thank you that makes him feel most uncomfortable, much more than the fact that she's asking him to cover himself back up.

"Thank you ma'am."

"You're wel-" -come she doesn't say, stopping herself just in time. All he can see is her skirt - a pale stretch of fabric across her thighs ending at her knees - he watches it shift, hears the faint rustle of clothing - as she, almost quite literally, pulls herself together and imagines she's tugging her button-up blouse perfectly straight. "To the bathroom then, then straight back here, to your own desk. Don't expect me to be here when you return. You are to wait for me to get back, understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do I need to tell you not to touch yourself?" And this one's not hesitation, not doubt, this one is threat and underlying 'because there will be consequences if you do'. Just the way he likes it. But, there again, Kate has always been a fast learner.

"No ma'am."

"Good boy," she practically purrs, plucking his empty coffee cup from the desk and tossing it in the trash can. "And you can tidy up your desk while you wait."


For all Gibbs knows, in the half hour Kate was gone she phoned up everyone she knows and invited them into the viewing room. It's not likely but-. Looking at himself in the interrogation room mirror, seeing how the tip of his cock's bulging out over the lace; feeling the elastic of the legs digging into his ass; knowing- oh god- knowing that someone else - some woman - has got off in them before him - and that Tony's the one who'd done it - and could be out there, right now, watching? Seeing him like this, shirtless and barefoot, with his pants pushed down round his ankles, effectively hobbled. He won't pretend the idea's not adding to the thrill.

Can't pretend, even if wants to, when the next words out of Kate's mouth are, "Tell me what you're thinking."

"I'm thinking that there could be thirty people on the other side of that glass watching you take control of me right now and I wouldn't know it."

Standing behind him she slips one hand between his thighs and cups his balls. "And could you come from that?" She's interrogating him the same way he's seen her interview a prisoner: conversational style; doesn't raise her voice; seems genuinely interested in the answers; never shows fear or disgust.

"It excites me," he confirms, breath catching in his throat at the truth of it, "but I'll not come from it.”

She runs the nails of her other hand down his back, scratching gently, warm breath following close behind, raising the hairs on the back of his neck.

"But you'll come for me?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You'll come for me just because I tell you to?" There's a hint of wonder there. He knows how that feels. How hard it is to comprehend that someone can subjugate their own needs and wants to yours so entirely.

"And not before," he pants softly, fingers grasping the edge of the table. "However, whenever, you say."

"So basically, I have you right where I want you."

"Yes ma'am."

"Shame you're not Ari then." He hears her mutter. "Step out of your pants," she says firmly, decision reached.

Palms flat on the table, he shucks himself out of them, the soles of his feet smooth and cool against his calves, and she gathers them up along with the rest of his gear before walking to the door. Hand on the handle she pauses.

"And now the panties."

The door closes behind her before he's even begun to obey. A moment passes during which he skims himself out of them, keeping them clutched in his fingers as he resumes his former position, eyes fixed on the mirror.

The intercom hisses to life. "Good boy, Jethro. And now, I'd like you to bring yourself to orgasm."

"Yes ma'am," he replies, curling his hand - those panties - around his bobbing shaft.

"When you have finished, you are to wait five minutes then you may come and fetch your clothes from in here."

Slowly stroking himself, he smiles, he might have guessed she wouldn't be able to carry this scene through to very the end. Still, she's come a long way tonight (for someone who says they've never accessed an X rated website). "Yes, ma'am," he snaps out. And if it sounds like a salute, he thinks she's earned it. He closes his eyes, giving himself up to seeking his own release. "See you tomorrow... Kate.

Posted to ncisfanfic

kate/gibbs, ficlet, het, hurt/comfort, ncis

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