Title: Cheat!
mad_jaksCharacters: Seven, Ace
Genre: drabble, gen
Rating: G
dw100: 237: hedge
Summary: The great escape
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money
The beast was almost upon them - the sound of its breath filling the maze of tunnels behind them - yet the Doctor had stopped to look at some graffiti daubed on the wall.
“Doctor,” Ace yelled, “We don’t have time for this!”
He raised a finger. “One… moment…”
They needed a cave - they needed the passage to widen - anything so she could get at the nitro-nine in her pack.
He grabbed her hand and ran. “Passageway coming up on the right,” he panted, “We take that one.”
“You’re sure?”
“Absolutely. I've made it a habit to trust my own handwriting."