(no subject)

Aug 07, 2008 13:49

Title: Postscript
Author: mad_jaks
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: As many as you care to see (only in Torchwood is this a possibility)
Prompt: seperis's The Dead Letter Challenge
Spoilers: Post end of Season 2
Character writing letter: Owen
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money
Word Count: 535

And then donutsweeper made me a pretty icon to go with it! *loves her*

Dear Jack

Dear did I just write that? Force of habit mate - don't go reading anything into it will you?

Ianto? If you're reading this over his shoulder - go put some clothes on and then do us all a favour and PISS OFF. Gwen? The same goes for you. Only - you know - don't bother getting dressed. You know I always thought you had the cutest arse.

What was I saying?
Oh I know.... don't go reading anything into it - you and I - what we had - it was fun yeah? Fucking fun, and I don't regret a minute of it. Except maybe doing it in the freezer that time was a bit of a mistake.

He's gone now, right? I knew that would get him shifted.

Anyway - the thing is - and Jack, I know you don't want to hear it but

I forgive you.

For Katie. For Suzie. For me. Christ, for everyone else that came before us if that'll help shift that bleeding heart chip on your shoulder from off your sleeve.

DO NOT STOP READING You hear me Harkness? You damn well get to the end of this!

Katie wasn't your fault. I was over that years ago. Not her - Jesus, I'll never be over her, not ever - you of all people must know how it much it hurts to lose someone - but you. The retcon. The shit that followed. What happened, happened and there's no going back and changing that. Not for any of us.

Suzie. I was her doctor and I didn't see that coming. How the hell do you think that made me feel? Did you even stop for a minute and ask yourself - ask ME? No. You just swanned around playing the wounded martyr and sucking up to Little Miss Politically Correct. HA! If I'd known then what I know now I could have- Well, let's just say I'd have got a lot more mileage out of the knowledge of your immortality than Gwen ever did and leave it at that, yeah?

Me. Life after death sucked. You got that, right? No SEX! How would you have liked it if you hadn't been able to keep on shagging for the last - what? 150 years?? - I can't see you having lasted that long.

Actually, I really don't know why I'm forgiving you me, except - if I don't you're just going to keep on brooding about it and making everyone miserable and Tosh is probably doing enough moping for everyone right now. She's alright really, Tosh, except for the whole utterly boring thing. Don't let her go back to that - make love to her if you have to - just- don't break her heart if you can help it. Oh, and I hadn't forgotten that kiss she was always banging on about - so if you want to tell her that you can. Maybe it'll make her feel a bit better for a while - I don't know. Use your best judgement. Scrub that, ask Gwen, she'll know. That is if she's not crying into her coffee as well. Honestly, women - can't live with them, can't live without them...

And on that note. It's bloody lonely out here, Jack

But there again

You already knew that.

Didn't you?

team torchwood, ficlet, owen

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