(no subject)

Aug 06, 2008 16:57

Title: Intermezzo
Author: mad_jaks
Characters: Gwen Cooper/Sarah Jane Smith
Genre: Snippet, pre-slash
Rating: G
Prompt: fajrdrako's: Gwen Cooper/Sarah Jane Smith - something you normally wouldn't write
Summary: While the cat is away, the mouse will play... One scene, two viewpoints.
Notes: My f-list are *evil* - tidied up a bit from when I first posted it to comments but not much...
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money
Word Count: 410


Squashed onto the catwalk high above the stage, alongside Sarah Jane - desperately trying not to panic - Probationary Police Constable Gwen Cooper couldn't help squeaking when she felt Sarah Jane's hand groping its way up her body.

“What are you doing?” she panted. Her heart was beating out of her chest already - she really didn't need this other girl (or should that be woman?) taking charge of the situation - her - and adding to her problems. For all that Sarah Jane really didn't look all that much older than her she certainly acted like it.

“Taking your cap off before it accidentally falls off your head and onto the stage.” Sarah Jane hissed, shifting herself even closer.

Gwen bit her lip. “You could have asked me,” she muttered back, after a moment's hesitation, resisting the urge to giggle as a lock of Sarah Jane's hair ghosted across her cheek.

Sarah Jane's eyes flashed in the dim light. “I was trying to be as quiet as possible...” she muttered.

“Oh!” Gwen mouthed, light dawning - now really wasn't the time she wanted to find out just how good those 'creatures' hearing was - and Sarah Jane smiled and took her hand and squeezed it tight.


It was all very well the Doctor saying 'Wait here until I come for you!' and 'Do try not to draw attention to yourself, won't you?' and disappearing off to go and do-. Whatever it was he did when he disappeared - though what that could possibly be in a 'city' like Cardiff she wasn't exactly sure, even in the twenty-first century. But he didn't have to worry about having a love life, at least as far as Sarah Jane could tell, and she did. Which was why, when she found someone as pert and attractive as Gwen Cooper in trouble, it was kind of hard NOT to get involved.

That had been two days ago now.

And why she was currently perched - fifty feet up on a gently swaying platform - with a scared slip of a girl while a pack of Jeeboars (with teeth as long as both their arms) prowled around the auditorium beneath them. Okay, so technically she wasn't that much older than Gwen herself but she'd definitely had a lot more experience. Travelling with the Doctor kind of had that effect.

Holding Gwen's hand tight Sarah Jane could feel her heart racing and wondered how Gwen would react if she leaned in and kissed her right now.


Title: In Flagrante Delicto
Author: mad_jaks
Characters: Jack/Gwen
Genre: Ficlet, Het
Rating: PG
Prompt: _medley_'s: Jack/Gwen OTP fic.
Summary: See title
Notes: Jack/Gwen... ME!?!? Tidied but not perfect. Comes with pronunciation instruction: 'Clanfair Pee Gee'
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money
Word Count: 294

In Flagrante Delicto

“Jack!” Gwen bawled as she fumbled her top from the nearest keyboard. But it was too late - he'd gone haring after Ianto before the door had even finished swinging closed behind the hastily retreating figure. “You've got no clothes on...” She trailed off - Jack really was a bugger of a man - he probably wouldn't even notice until after Ianto had turned a very deep shade of puce. And possibly then only because the poor lamb was clashing with his shirt. Pulling her t-shirt over her head she sniggered softly. Poor Ianto, he had such a crush on Jack - it was a wonder he could put a mug of coffee down in front of him without spilling sometimes.

She eyed the heap of clothing on the floor and shrugged - she really couldn't face struggling back into her jeans - panties would just have to do. Pushing her hair back from her face she snagged Jack's trousers from the pile and picked her way, barefoot, across the cold, concrete floor to the door.

Outside the hub was empty but overhead she could hear Jack snarling and Ianto's stammered attempts to answer him. Standing at the bottom of the steps she could see it all: Jack would be looming - defiantly ignoring the fact that he was naked even though by now Ianto had turned scarlet and had seemingly lost all his powers of articulation - and Ianto would be backed up against his precious coffee machine counting the seconds until she came to his rescue. It wouldn't be the first time. She hesitated, hand on the rail.

She started counting to herself, inside her head.

'One LlanfairPG... two LanfairPG... three LlanfairPG...'

It really was about time Ianto learned to knock before entering Jack's office outside of work hours....

f/f, ficlet, torchwood, jack/gwen, het, torchwood/who, snippet

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