Title: Crime and Punishment
mad_jaksCharacters: Jack/Owen/Ianto
Genre: Drabble, PWP
Rating: NC17
Prompt: :kink
Summary: Ianto breaks the rules and has to go stand in the 'naughty' corner.
Notes: For
smithy161 who, when asked, asked for D/s Jack/Owen - I'm not sure how or when Ianto muscled in on that so I hope it still fits the bill.
Warnings: Consensual D/s, implied bondage.
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money
Crime and Punishment
Once, just once, Ianto had dipped his head to soothe the still angry looking flesh of Owen's wrists with his tongue after they'd spent an evening together with Jack. His punishment for that little transgression had been Jack stationing him in the boardroom every night for a week and forbidding him to touch himself while Jack got to deal with Owen all alone.
It had been painful and undignified, for Ianto, coming in his pants to the look on Owen's face - mouth stretched wide, eyes locked on his - as Jack took him from behind and they'd never repeated the offence.