Title: To His Last Breath
mad_jaksCharacters: Jack/Owen
Genre: Drabble, D/s
Rating: NC17
Notes: For
unfeathered who, when asked, requested breath play.
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin
Warnings: Breath play (just in case you missed it being mentioned).
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money
To His Last Breath
Straddled across Jack's thighs, the only sound the faintest sigh escaping from between Jack's lips, Owen thinks he'll never tire of this moment. All that latent energy - all that life - Jack has burning up inside him and he gets to douse the flame. Watch it flicker and fade.
It isn't erotic for Jack - he doesn't come - Owen's reconciled himself to that.
That Jack trusts him to do this for him - wrap his fingers round his throat and squeeze - knowing that Owen will - can - give him the release he needs might just be the only thrill Owen ever really feels again.