Jan 16, 2005 01:00
Things are going great with Caitlin. But it seems like everytime I get close to finding a girl I really want to get with somehow someway one of the girls I wanted to get with in the past suddenly takes intrest in me. After getting burned by it in the past tho I am learning my lesson. Screw trying to get with the girls from the past!
Messed up my arm the other week. But working my ass off to get it better so I can start playing hockey as soon as possible. The psycho-bitch problem that has been developing over the last year that I haven't mentioned is dying down due to blocking her SN and her phone numbers. I wish there was a little delete button in life. I probably would have worn it out by now.
Well its that time for me to actually get some sleep since I'm stuck at home on a saturday. This blows.