(no subject)

Jun 13, 2008 02:44

I feel like I'm becoming more comfortable with myself. I am finally looking in the mirror and seeing a boy staring back at me. I don't know what changed that. I'm not changing physically. The only thing different in that respect is maybe a couple of new binders I've gotten recently. Even that though, while they fit better and make my chest more flat looking, hasn't given me the boost that prompted this change.

Maybe it was talking to my Mom. Maybe the proverbial weight on my shoulders being taken off from talking to my Mother has made me literally walk taller. I don't know. It's nice. I'm feeling better with myself. I couldn't even really explain it. I feel like I've shed some things.

My friends, and even Josie, are consistently calling me Kevin, and using male pronouns without me having to ask them. I've waited on asking people to switch because it wasn't going to feel real to me until I spoke to my mother. Now it's real. My Mom doesn't know that I'm sure about it, but I can start living how I want to live now and it will be easier to tell her.

Before, I felt like the whole world was in front of me and I viewed it as an obstacle. Now I see it from another perspective. The world is in front of me and it is a sea of opportunity.

I feel amazing.

I wish everything in my life could feel this.. I don't know.. possible.


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