Vital information for your everyday life

Oct 27, 2008 00:51

Life update is needed, I suppose. Here's the shit that I've been into lately:

1. Note the new default icon, care of the DS game "Time Hollow", which I finished in a record 2 days (for me at least). I waited for this game FOREVER because I knew a) it was a Konami title, B) it's point and click (which I really enjoy), and C) it involves reading and investigating. I will honestly play anything that has those three criteria. It was immensely confusing, since it involves changing the past every 5 minutes and therefore the story. But I somehow got it in the end. If anyone is into games like Phoenix Wright, or Trace Memory, you'll love it, I promise. If you like FPSers, or sports games, GO FUCK YOURSELF AND READ A BOOK.

2. Shane and I have started swimming as of late. We joined the community center down the street, for $15 each (yearly membership too, woo). We've been trying to go at least three times a week. I find it really enjoyable and could see myself really keeping up with this. I love just swimming back and forth really fast. Swimming is so fun and clearly the ideal form of exercise, with no yucky sweat, its warm and comfortable and all-in-all enjoyable. I encourage everyone to check out their local community center, cuz getting a year's worth of exercise and fun for $15 is pretty boss.

3. Hip new Boston band for any of you that enjoy dance music: Passion Pit ! Really, really good, I saw them live a bit ago too. They are friends of friends and its pretty fucking cool that they're becoming this big thing.

4. And lastly, but most importantly...CUPCAKES! I bought this adorable cupcake decorating book:

For anyone who wants to see really cute cupcake pictures, check the lj-cut.

This is a picture from the back cover. A penguin! He's made of a donut-hole (head), thin-mint cookies (arms), starbursts (fins and beak), and frosting!

This one looks super freaky, right? It's just lime runts, cut-up caramels and green frosting!

There are tons of other cute ones in there too, I wish I could show you them all! I can't WAIT to start making them. I'm thinking of making some holiday ones, cute ones, and maybe even people ones! What I hope to do when I get to be ok at this is make one representing everyone at work and then they can eat it! FUN! I'm crazy excited. Oh cupcakes -- ideal snack-ifed cuteness.
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