Here’s something nifty. So, there’s this Soul Eater manga page, with most of the main characters
sitting around drinking coffee? (Deathbucks, ahaha.) Anyway, Soul’s wearing a t-shirt that says Bitches Brew, and I read somewhere out in internet land that this was an actual jazz album. So I looked it up.
Turns out it’s a
Miles Davis album from the 1960s-70s. Referencing Miles Davis isn’t exactly what I’d call obscure, but it’s kind of thorough for the manga genre. (Too bad Ohkubo couldn’t be as thorough with presenting American culture, though honestly I wasn’t expecting much in that department.) What’s nifty about the reference is that a) the music actually sounds like something Soul would listen to and b) you can hear jazz influences in the anime soundtrack,
Victor being the most obvious one I think. (The overall soundtrack is something of genre blend, though it's largely hip-hop, techno, rap, and pop.)
Well dang. That was a mighty fine geek moment. This series is really heavy on the references to the point of being shamelessly gimmicky, which is one of the reasons I love it so much. European folk-lore/literature/mythology mostly, but stuff like this is welcome too.
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