Seriously though. This episode was actually pretty effing awesome. Bones is trying to do too many things at once, but they’re making a gallant effort to try and pay attention to everyone in this ep.
» Anyway. The shit’s hitting the fan now and things are looking pretty bad. Arachne’s base now has, surprise surprise, fire power and Black Star’s been badly wounded by Mifune.
» Anyone else freaked out by the fact that White Star had those shark teeth? Black Star and Soul are distant relatives? Also, the scene with Mifune flashing back to his fight with White Star, whilst presently fighting Black Star was grand. Great editing of the flash back/flash forward bits.
» Side characters are marginally following the manga, and will be heading into Arachne’s base incognito. Whether or not Kim is a witch in the anime like she is in the manga has yet to be seen. I wonder if Bones will get that in there somehow?
» The sword Kid ganked in the clown episode was somehow the key to bringing about Eibon. Oh Kid. Your OCD and freakouts will never stop being hysterically cute <3.
» Joe's not dead yet, so maybe he's not being killed off in the anime? That would be nice. Him being alive and all also means Blair is being more than a fanservice character, and helping him make, uh, what is he making again? Giant Brew robots? Yeah, those things.
» Soul and Maka are running back to where the action is now that they’ve helped save Crona, Stein and Rachel. They've been running around a lot :/. I hope we get some actual interaction out of them soon; I'm dying here.
Five episodes left! I sure hope they turn out as awesome as the rest of this series has been, (for the most part). Also. I now have an epic Soul/Maka doujin on my computer *squeeflail*. It makes me stupidly happyyy.