
Aug 20, 2004 22:44 wednesday night adam roberts asks emily to go to the movies with some of his drama friends. now of course i'm wondering if i'm invited also, seeing as me and em have always both been invited to the same things. so emily asks him to appease my curiousity and adam says, "well she could come but she might feel a little uncomfortable..." what??? why would i feel uncomfortable but emily wouldn't?! so naturally i say "ohh because he wants it to be a date!!" and emily says, "no it's not a date, you just don't know any of the people there..." which was a lame excuse because neither does she - just because she has been in class with one of the girls for two days does not mean that she knows them... and then she says, "and i'm better friends with adam anyway" what?? again lame - of course he's been in love with her for like 5 years now but that doesn't mean i can't be friends with him and hang out with him too. this just reaffirms my belief that it is a date. well so i made the mistake of verbalizing my thoughts about it being a date while reid was laying on his bed right next to us. so of course the next thing he says is, "emily has a date?!" and then yelling, "emily has a date!!!" throughout the whole house, and his mom was right down the hall in her office. so then she came in and was like "emily has a date?" and then she yelled down to uncle rick, "emily has a date!" it was quite hilarious. that phrase was repeated probably 20 times and always screamed at the the top of the lungs. like a good sister i had emily's back and insisted that it wasn't a date...i was merely just not invited. so then i realized that wow, i'm gonna be left all alone on my first friday night of school - emily would be on a date and reid was going to cotillion ball with his girlfriend. i was upset. my aunt and uncle weren't even gonna be home friday night. so luckily, after hearing my plight, julie offered to hang out with me. julie and i have been good freinds since the 1st grade but lost touch since i moved. i'm so glad we got to spend some time together tonight. we had so much fun. we met her friends steven at the theater (quite an interesting fellow) and we saw napolean dynamite - not my choice but it actually ended up being pretty funny, despite my great apprehension. it was really weird though because julie knew like everyone in the theater. every time we turned around she was saying hi to someone else she knew. after the movie we got some ice cream and of course she was friends with the guy that works there too lol. but we had a lot of fun and i'm glad we got to hang out. i'm also looking forward to hanging out with everyone else i haven't had time to spend with yet. it was weird being there without emily though. this has probably only been like the 4th time out of our whole lives where we have gone somewhere without the other one. but it was cool. it's 11:00 and emily still isn't home from her "date" yet...i told her not to let adam be all over her...i might have to watch out the window when they get here to make sure he doesn't try to make a move on her on the first date. hahaha. oh here they come! i gotta go! oh crap - false alarm - but i'm going anyway...later kids!
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