Aug 18, 2004 14:27
One of my best friends died on monday. Some of you may have already heard about my friend jessica gilpin. She has been battling lukemia for almost 2 years now and she finally lost the fight. She had a bone marrow transplant in april and was doing so well until a couple of weeks ago. She has always had her ups and downs but a couple of weeks ago she was down and never came up. All of her vital signs just dropped so quickly. At least her pain didn't last long though. It's comforting to know that she's free now - she'll never be bored sick anymore because she has to stay at home, she won't have to take 5 different medications every 4 hours, no more hour long drives to the hospital early in the morning just so she has to sit there all day long, she doesn't have to worry about getting infections or wearing herself out. She's free and she's happy. but i'll miss her. i just wish i had gotten a chance to say goodbye. i'm really upset because i can't even go to the funeral tomorrow. i just hope her parents know that i wanted more than anything to be able to be there. please keep the gilpin family in your prayers.