The Boy Update

May 02, 2008 05:55

I love how Steph called me and Nicolle out on our lack of updates. 
       I feel like I don't have much news because I see Danny (the boy) pretty infrequently. He lives far, but he finally came over to my apartment because I totally cleaned my room for the first time since August. yay me. So hopefully that means he will be coming over more. 
     The last time I went over... Sunday... we played Apples to Apples with his roommate and his gf (Danny's sis) and one of their friends. It was really fun/silly. I enjoy the boy so much. I invited him to hang out with me and Angie cause I think my two friends that I hang out (I actually hang out with three but I only go to lunch with the other one) with want to meet him.
        So last night (Wednesday) Danny and I went on a little date to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall. The movie was really good (totally flippin hilarious), and Danny totally held my hand. I thought it was incredibly cute. Especially cause he really didn't need to; since I know my hand always gets sweaty when I'm holding someone's hand and it's gross. We went to the Alamo Drafthouse so we had some beer and popcorn. Good stuff. Then we came back to my apartment and started making out hardcore, which is always really fun. And then we had us some awesomely good times... of the sexy persuasion. Then we just slept til I had to go to class. So that was my little date night. I was happy we finally did that because we have not gone on any other dates.
      Tomorrow Tonight there's this Block Party including at least 5 houses out in West Campus. I invited Danny and he said he would possibly come. He has some shit to do, and I'm making him hang out with me and Angie Saturday night so I don't really expect him to come. It'd be fun for him to see drunk Nikki though. She's pretty amazing. And she talks in third person, which is real flippin annoying. loll. I don't really talk in third person when I'm drunk; that would be reallly weird. The boy makes me so happy. I was talking to Angie about my worries with the whole phone thing and all that. She was telling me that that's how it started with her bf of 5 months. So I figure everything's good. He does really cute stuff too.... like kiss my forehead when we're in bed and move my hair out of my face all gently and cute-like. There's pther stuff I just can't remember at the moment too.
    I didn't think I'd be able to talk this much about Danny, but, surprisingly, it's a lot easier than I imagined. I guess that's what happens when you really like someone.  Boys are cute.
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