May 21, 2011 12:14
Citizens of Edensphere!
I will NOT be using colored pens, for that is just plain gaudy and downright silly! No, this is a serious matter: Charity!
I will not stand for this slander, oh no, so I will give it to you straight: The Mighty Nightlaser is taking a day out of his busy schedule to set up a kissing booth in the Bazaar next week! For a single coin, his dearest fans or future fans get the privilege of a kiss from a superhero! Oh yes, it is true! For my much younger fans, I offer hugs! (And YES, Princess of the Whatever-It-Was, these will count! I will not be breaking any laws unlike you!)
The Mighty Nightlaser DOES NOT have diseases like Materia says, and I assure you that I emerged from my cocoon with this amazing green hair! You can even feel it if you want!
"But Night," you ask, "What about the charity? If I give you a measly coin, what could this possibly go to?"
I am quite glad you asked, my adorable fan, for I am not keeping a single coin! Nope! Nothing you give me will go to me at all! I will take every single coin I earn on that day and give it to someone in need with an added bonus from my own paycheck!
So, seek me out in the Bazaar next week and contribute to helping someone in need! Besides, Materia is loud and evil. Mostly evil. I mean, who makes so many titles for themselves anyway?
night the hypocrite,
kiss the demon win a prize