School....Work....and other crisis....

Jun 13, 2007 23:45

hello, everyone....mind if I vent for a few minutes?

Ah. I am a little burnt out ^^;;

Both of my managers put in their two weeks notice (I work retail @ a clothing store)...their last day is tomorrow. Guess who that leaves? Me and another girls who are NOT managers ^^;; I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MANAGE THE STORE. no replacement in sight yet.

I haven't heard from Hawaii I can't apply for dorms...or get a plane ticket ..... or pack.

not that I'm entirly sure how I'm going to PAY for it even if I do get in! (my parents can't help. I have 9 siblings. No joke.)

I am tired, stressed, and my neck hurts. I want to sleep for 102 days. then think about college (maybe)

Days like today I go "WHY did I want to go 1,000,000,000 miles away to college?" "WHY have I spent the last 3 years trying to earn enough money to pay my bills, save for college AND attend community college whenever possible (which wasn't often) to get the credits to transfer? "WHY am I burning myself out stressing over how to make it work when going means not seeing my family for like 3 years?" (yes, I know I am 23 and that should not be a big issue BUT THIS IS ME BEING A BABY.)

No one is making me do this, so i kinda do it alone....until I crash and burn*
*NOTE: this is me crashing and burning

I am sure this would all look better after a cup of coffee...but starbucks is closed. the world is conpspiring against me (ok - paranoia sets in.)

sarcasm aside, I probably just need a hug, a good book, and about 14 consecutive hours of sleep.

^^;; sorry for the long rant.

u of h @ m, complaining, college, work, school, stress

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