Sep 07, 2010 01:46
: DD Maybe that's why you like me though.
Herp derp.
So, summer was awesome....
I had a load off my chest when I dropped band, OH DEAR GOD, BEST DECISION IN MY LIFE <3
Well, despite friends acting like me being in band was more important to them than anything I do for myself could ever actually be for me, friends getting mad because I have other friends, and friends getting mad because I want to live my life the way I want to live my life--
wait, no, that was the problem the whole time there.
Guys. It's my life. I love you all, but GTFO. Seriously. I'm not your wind-up toy. I think I've made this painfully clear. Every. Fucking. Year.
Don't pretend I haven't mentioned it before.
You come to me when you want something fun.
Or when you want a change.
Find something fun about yourself, I already know I'm fuckin' amazing.
*is just a jerk*
Aaah. Anyway, I've been spending a lot of time out of town. It beats the hell out of my bedroom, that's for sure.
As for school, I can't stand the people who work there.
Counselor: We'll have an appointment together at 9:30. Fifteen minutes, no more than that. (: Good?
Yeah, good.
We started the appointment.
She thought I was late. I stuttered. Then she realized she actually /had/ a meeting with me for 9:30. :/ okay. That's smooth.
Next, she can't remember what grade I'm in... well, alright. That's a little bit more reasonable. Whatever.
But when I have so many problems with my schedule that I'm beginning to freak out at your desk so early in the morning...
This is NOT the time to send me off
to talk to all the teachers
who I love so dearly
so I can find out if I'll be able to take
AP Lit, AP Psych, French, and art classes.
This is when you start doing your job.
This is when you get off your ass and tell me what I can do about it.
You don't send an emotional wreck out into the halls to talk to her teachers. You just don't.
Fortunately, Madame Asquini loves me and really cheered me up.
I came back down to counseling to give up both AP classes though... that was a bummer. :/ No classes with friends (as far as I know)
So she sends me off to ask the art teacher when I can have some classes because he's really flexible...
So I ran off to talk to him.
Btw, 15 minutes my ass. :/
Came back
My appointment is clearly /not/ important. She's got a bunch of other kids in there. Fuck, like I want to wait for your shit because you don't know how to set up an appointment or do your job right.
Waited for them to leave.
Went back in.
Put many classes on my schedule that I didn't need/want.
Had to go get the art teacher AGAIN because she doesn't believe me when I tell her he'd let me take Painting II during Painting I. Whatever.
Came right back.
The bitch isn't there.
Oh, I waited.
What does she think I plan on doing in this state!? She ran off, I couldn't stay there. I had other shit to do. Ended up taking care of one more thing with the Assistant Principal instead.
Did I mention he just made me bawl? Ugh. At least he's kinda good at his job. He made me punch him. Haha. Sweet guy. Can't help that I cry so easily ;;;
anyway, settled some stuff...
everything really sucked to push myself through... :/
c'est la vie.
I'll see how everything works out and let you guys know tomorrow afternoon. First day and all.
Love you.
More cheerful journals to come, I hope.
Ren Fest Sunday
Casey's party the following weekend
Youmaaaaaaaaaaaaacon. <3
boo hoo.