I've been playing the piano a bit more avidly lately c: However, there's a bit of a power struggle going on...
I was talking to Ivan about it.
pouvantail says:
mehh... my fingers and my piano... they don't get along well
Ivan says:
pouvantail says:
You see, my fingers are fighting for more freedom, they want personal liberty to travel where they choose
and have the freedom to believe that what they choose is correct
my piano on the other hand believes each finger should have a common share and be given the same choices as each other.
It's a battle against socialism
in my bedroom. ):
Ivan says:
pouvantail says:
... Note to self
"On the other hand"
was a poor word choice.
Ivan says:
Then you should change to Communism!
pouvantail says:
Not much to say. I'm utterly stoked for Colossal owo My friends have made me thoroughly excited.
My job's pretty laid back. I'm happy about that.
I checked out La Belle et La Bête the other day. I'm pleased to know I can at least read low level literature in French. XD;;
Um... I have a ton of chibis to finish before Jafax @@; Dear God, help. There's never any time for drawing anymore....
Maybe once I get this cosplay out of the way.
And I have to find time to start my Fujimoto cosplay... *needs a red punky wig*
Also, I thought this was pretty cool. :'D