Feb 12, 2010 12:15
I'm a big fan of Google, so of course I checked this out as soon as I got my hands on it. I was kind of disappointed that it does not integrate with FaceBook, and only one-way with Twitter. I did not expect LiveJournal or Wordpress, truth to tell: I was surprised that it did integrate with Blogspot, even though that is a Google product.
Any way, if any of you use Buzz and want a stalker follower, toss me a unique identifier. Unfortunately I am almost the only human with a unique name (Magnus Itland) so a gmail handle would probably be preferable. Mine is of course itlandm, in case you don't want to post yours to LJ. (Unfortunately, without LJ and FB, my buzz is somewhat heavy on the spiritual and work-related stuff. I tend to use different accounts for different purposes, at least in part.)
I, for one, welcome our new Google overlords social medium.