Sick day. Sort of.

Feb 11, 2010 10:55

Had to take a sick day today. I think this may be the first time since I started meditating more regularly with LifeFlow last year. Actually it is more a problem of being too sick to commute rather than to work - if I could teleport to work, I would definitely been able to do my job pretty much as usual. (Not sure how much that says, though...) But here I am. Morning sickness even though I've not been abducted by aliens.

I should use the day to regenerate. Time to fire up City of Heroes and trot out my /regen scrapper. What? That's not what it means?

In other news, this cold is getting ridiculous. Depose Obama! Give us our global warming back!
Uhm, that was a joke. But the cold is not. Contrary to what you would think, people did not build very cold-resistant houses before the coming of electricity. I live in a house that must be at least 100 years old, probably a little more, and let me tell you, wood stoves are overrated when it comes to heating a room, much less a whole house. I can only surmise that people in that eon worked hard all day and made hot love during the night.
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