Feb 01, 2007 01:44
and while i don't really intend to say much about the sunset, it was certainly gorgeous over this strange skyline while i found a new (and real) shortcut to school from chamblee. it's wintry mixing, which usually makes me think of middle school dances. i hate time zones on nights when the reason i can't sleep is too pathetic to put into words. water is comforting, actual air improves with multiple reads, i'm feeling mean-spirited and moody enough today, thanks. this is one of those things, you know? i'm very tired, fell asleep briefly on a couch with three kids, woke up and read one of those checkout line at barnes and noble cutesy gift books called "the book for people who do too much." it had really nice black and white pictures of bears and monkeys and dogs doing darling little things and captions in purple relating to the need to relax. the kids got some kind of food on the cover, and in retrospect, i'm much more interested in that texture, which, in retrospect, is not only a lie, but a very predictable kind of exhausted thing to say.