Dear God,
If you don't give me AIM back I will keep making fanmixes. Millions of them. They will be bad, boring and very, very angsty.
Love, Allie
I love Matt/Mohinder because it's Matt/Mohinder and that's just how awesome it is. They are not nearly as angsty as I usually go for, though with how the second season has been going it may get that way.
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BTW: Your manips rock! Teach me, seriously.
I'm way more a graphics girl than a writing girl, haha. For these I made the images black and white and overused the burn and masking brush. Lazy art FTW. If you want to know more about it, I can link you to a couple of awesome how-to sites.
I'll stick to writing.
Lazy art is awesome!
I use Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Photoshop 7.0 (depending on the computer) so most of the tuts I have saved are for it. Do you use Paint Shop Pro?
Maybe this isn't such a good idea, my technologically-challenged self just might not be cut out for complicated graphics.
So, yes. Go. Buy photoshop or PSP. Seriously. It will eat up your life and then you'll make Matt/Mohinder manips until you fall over dead.
(It's what I do. *shame*)
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