La La La Laaa...
My parents are making me stay up all night for two nights in a row so I can "get back to my normal sleeping sedgual (sp?)" They are so dumb...Don't they notice that something is wrong if I don't sleep for 2 days and still mad hyper? Seriously, I'm wide awake and bouncing off on the walls and didn't sleep at all last night. They think it's because I sleep in...I don't even sleep in that much! Grrr...They probably are just too ashamed to go to the doctor anymore since I have ADD. They probably think I'm making it all up just to get attension or something. DAMMIT!! I WANT NYQUILL!! Andrea (Cheese) and I are going to go get some somehow...hopefully. So I'm just gonna stay on the compy all night because I'm a computer nerd. O.o
Sean is such a cool friend...some of the people that know him are all like, "He's so annoying!" but I talked to him on the phone today for litterally hour or two and he is such a cool friend!
Today I really had the urge to hang out with Britney. Okay...that was random.
I took pictures of myself...but I havent decided if I'll post them in here or not...I don't want everyone to run away in horror....
Everyone should go to my new
Deadjournal because it's sexy and you love me. lol...actually...cause I lurve it's layout and junk. :]
Okies...I'm gonna go stay awake for my dumb-ass parents now. grrr.