Jul 08, 2003 02:18
001) Name: Chelsea or 'Ponine
002) Sex: female...and it sucks...DAMN PERIOD CRAMPS.
003) Birthday: 8/31/88
004) Height: 5 feet
005) Weight: a little less then 100...like 98 or 99 or something
006) Hair color: brown with red streaks
007) Eye color: they change...but mostly green or blue
008) Ethnic background: **italian,** german, irish, english, dutch, .001% mexican
009) Birthplace: i dont know. lol
010) Hometown: e rock, new dork.
011) Father's name: John
012) mother's name: Debbie
013) Sibling(s): kKay
>>>>> [Fav]
014)Song: I can't pick just one! are you craaaazzzyy?
015) Band/singer: alot.
016) Actor: jim carrey or someone
017) Actress: dont really know...but Nicole Kidman is cool like whoa. :]
018) Movie: *too many*
019) Book: HARRY POTTER SERIES, Lemmony Snicket books
020) Author: JK Rowling and Lemmony Snicket
021) Clothing brand name: don't really care.
022) Animal: FLAMINGO!!!
023) Day of the week: any day but Tuesday or Sunday.
024) Color: blue.
025) Food: cheese. RAMEN NOODLES!!
026) Class in school: English
027) Store: hot topic, fye,
028) City: NEW YORK CITY...even though I've never been there
029) Country: FRAMCE!!! OR BRITIAN!!!
030) Vacation spot: *no comment*
031) Sports: umm...singing. lol
032) Game [as in "board", or otherwise]: pretty pretty princess, that game rocked
033) Car: i dont pay attension to cars
034) Internet site: *blows spit bubbles*
035) Ice cream flavor: VINELLA!!!
036) Season: Fall.
037) Month: September...MOLTO AUDITIONS!!
038) Holiday: the one where you play dress up. :]
039) Flower: roses.
040) Cartoon: fairly odd parents,and dora the explorer
041) TV show: will and grace, just shoot me
042) Fictional character: hmmm...fred and george weasley and lee jordan
043) Perfume/cologne: Abbeys one!!!! it smells SOOO GOOD!!!
044) Hobby: Singing.
045) Flavor: vinella
046) Scent: vinella
047) Quote: "I'll sleep in your embrace at last" -Eponine as she is dying in Marius's arms, and she loves Marius! but he loves Cosette! *cries* I love that show!!
048) Word: Buddha or Pixies. I heart Seamus.
>>>>> [Either/Or]
049) Hot or cold: hot.
050) Sweet or sour: sweet.
051) Spicy or bland: spicy.
052) Fast or slow: slow.
053) Black or white: black.
054) Is the glass half-full or half-empty: full.
055) Long or short: long.
056) More or less: more.
057) Soft or hard: *giggles*
058) Rough or smooth: smooth.
059) Air, land or sea: air.
060) Light or dark: dark.
061) Straight or curly: curly
062) Loud or quiet: depends...
063) Boys or girls: boys. they are sessy like whoa.
064) Fat or thin: *cough*dumbquestion*cough*
065) E-mail or letter: AIM.
066) Phone or instant message: Phone
067) Day or night: night.
068) Breakfast, lunch or dinner: dinner. its the only one I eat.
069) Past, present or future: past.
070) Radio or CD: cd. the radio sucks.
071) MTV or VH1: neither.
072) Brush or comb: brush.
073) Slide, see-saw or swings: see-saw
074) Doing or watching: doing.
075) Mind or body: mind.
076) Consciousness, subconsciousness or unconsciousness: huh?
077) Feet or hands: hands.
078) Water or juice: wata.
079) Ocean or pool: ocean...even though I've never been to one.
080) Treadmill or road: treadmill.
081) Speaker-phone or hand-held: hand held.
082) AIM or ICQ: aim.
083) Rain or shine: rain.
084) Cat or dog: FLAMINGO!!
085) Innie or outie: innie.
086) Inside or outside: Outside.
087) Up/high or down/low: up.
088) Closet or dresser-drawers: closet.
089) Bed frame or only mattress: bed frame...but only if it's pretty. :]
090) Silver or gold: silver.
>>>>> [Love/Sex]
091) Are you Hetero-/Homo-/Bi-sexual?: WHAT DOES IF MATTER???!?!!? I HATE THOSE QESTIONS!!! ...but I am strait.
092) Are you in love?: no.
093) Are you in a relationship?: no.
094) Are you a virgin?: yeah.
095) Have you gotten your first kiss?: *cries* unfortunatly
096) Do you have a crush?: not at the moment...
097) Do you enjoy being in love/having a crush?: i hate both. no one likes me.
098) What form of birth control do you use?: nothing.
099) How far have you gone with a "lover"?: *cries* I HATE HIM. HATE. HATE. HATE.
100) Would/did you have sex before marriage?: *shrugs* whatever
101) Do you believe in hookups (sexual relations without emotion)?: no. thats silly
102) Have you ever had a hookup?: no.
103) Is there a difference between a crush and being in love?: HUGE differance.
104) Do you believe in love at first sight?: Cosette and Marirus! Les Miz! wooo!!!
105) Do you believe in true love?: kinda
106) Can long-distance relationships work?: no...but then again...I wouldn't know
107) Have you ever had a long-distance relationship?: no.
108) What of online relationships?: DUMB. REALLY DUMB.
109) Have you ever been married?: nope...I is 14.
110) Have you ever been divorced?: ahahaa
111) Have you ever been in love?: I don;t know what love is.
112) If so, how many times?: *see question 111*
113) Have you had sex in the past and regretted it?: HA! me=virgin
114) Have you fallen in love in the past and regretted it?: *see question 111*
115) How old were you when you got your first kiss?: first REAL one? 14.
116) How old were you when you had sex for the first time?: haven't HAD sex.
117) Have you ever broken someone's heart?: No.
118) Have you ever sexually harassed someone?: no...but stalking is fun.
119) Have you ever been sexually harassed yourself?: CAN you even do that?
120) Have you ever been jealous of a friend for their boy/girlfriend?: HELL YES.
121) Have you ever been jealous of your boy/girlfriend's "close" friend(s)?: yes.
122) Have you ever been jealous of your boy/girlfriend's ex-?: *confuzzled*
123) Have you ever gotten back together with an ex-?: never had an ex.
124) Have you ever gotten together with a friend's ex?: nope
125) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: noo...teachers are smelly.
126) Have you ever been in love with someone so much that you've cried over them?: I have liked someone so much it made me cry.
127) What's the most affection you deem appropriate for public?: anything, be what you want to be.
128) Have/would you ever see(n) an x-rated movie?: sure.
129) Do you enjoy French-kissing?: With the one person I've done it with? Hell no.
130) Do you keep a picture of your beloved somewhere?: no.
131) Would you (honestly) sacrifice your life for your beloved?: depends...
132) Have/would you ever use whipped cream, hot wax, et cetera, in a sexual act?: I would. ;]
133) What do you look for in a lover (physically)?: eyes.
134) What do you look for in love (mentally/emotionally)?: everything good.
135) Do cherries or strawberries have any sexual meaning for you?: lol...I guess
136) Have you ever dumped someone?: no.
137) Have you ever been dumped?: no.
138) Have you ever had your heart broken?: i guess
139) Are you (honestly) afraid of commitment?: nooo
140) Are you attracted to people with accents?: YES!!! BRITISH AND NEW YORK!!!
141) Have you ever done anything sexual in public (making out doesn't count)?: i have him, i hate him, i hate him
142) Do you have a memento from a previous relationship?: no.
143) Is there a certain smell, sight, sound, or taste that reminds you of a lover?: no.
144) Do you enjoy living in your town?: kinda.
145) Do you smoke?: NO!! SMOKING IS BAD!!!
146) Do you drink?: no...they taste bad.
147) How often do you shower?: daily.
148) Do people you live with complain about the water bill because of the lengths of your showers?: yep. I take hour-long showers. :]
149) Do you trust others easily?: no.
150) Have you ever lied to a friend?: unfortunatly
151) Are you trustworthy?: yes.
152) Are you anyone's secret-keeper?: *nods*
153) Are you a daredevil?: depends...
154) Have/would you skydive?: I WANT TOO!!
155) Have/would you bungee jump?: I WANT TOOOO!!!
156) Have/would you play "Chicken"?: i have. damn Jimmy Keenan. lol
157) If granted one wish, what would it be?: For everyone to be happy. whoa..LE!!!
158) Do you like to dance?: si. mostly tap, and if I took tango, It would be that.
159) Which do you prefer -- slow or fast dancing?: TAP!
160) Do you like to swim?: yeah...just not at school
161) Do you make friends easily?: yeah
162) If so, where do you most often make friends?: SHOWS!!! I MISS YOU SOM/WTG PEOPLE!!! *cries*
163) Do you color your hair?: si
164) Do you wear makeup?: si
165) Are you a person who lies a lot?: not a lot.
166) What religion do you practice, if any?: none.
167) Do you like high heels?: sometimes.
168) Are you homophobic?: NO! HOMOPHOBES ARE MEAN AND HORRIBLE PEOPLE THAT ARE SHALLOW BICHES!!! *camls down*...I mean, no, I am not homophobic.
169) Do you like to travel?: yeah.
170) Granted you are American, have you ever been out of the state?: yes.
171) Do you own any pets?: yes.
172) Do you have a cell phone/pager?: no.
173) Do you like amusement parks?: si.
174) If so, what is your favorite park/ride?: ROLLER COASTERS!!
175) Do you collect anything?: kinda.
176) Do you enjoy having your picture taken?: at the time the picture is being taken, i love it but afterwards i hate it because i almost always look like crap.
177) Do you keep your room/apartment/dorm clean?: HAHAHA!!! GOD NO!!!
178) Do you get annoyed easily?: depends if I'm PMSing or not. lol
179) Would you consider yourself a depressed person?: I cry alot...bur I'm just sensitive.
180) Have you ever been to a concert?: no :[
181) If so, who/what did you see: :[
185) Do you dream often?: ALL of the time.
186) Do you frequently daydream?: ALL of the time.
187) Do you have a job?: no.
188) What was your first job?: nothing.
189) Do you have any health problems?: umm..is ADD a health problem...cause I have that...
190) Are you a vegetarian?: no...but I wish I was
191) Have you ever been in a crash?: yeah. It was so scary.
192) Have you ever had a near-death experience?: people thought I was gonna...lol
193) Have you ever won anything?: si
194) Do you play a musical instrument?: used to play french horn, now I'm taching myself to play piano.
195) Have you ever had someone close to you die?: *cries* yeah.
196) Have you ever broken a bone?: nope
197) Have you ever had stitches?: no
198) Do you have any scars?: yes.
199) Have you ever had major surgery?: sorta...
200) What is your earliest memory?: cutting my own hair when I was 4. mwahahaha.
201) Have you ever gotten in a physical fight?: yes. Did I mention I HATE him?
202) What is your dream job?: broadway actress.
203) Do you plan on having kids?: of coise!
204) What phrase do you use the most?: like whoa. lol
205) Have you meet/do you know anyone famous?: no
206) Do you carry a wallet/purse?: no.
207) Have you ever baby-sat?: yes.
208) In what position do you sleep?: on my side.
209) Have you ever fallen asleep on someone else's bed?: yes. Ryan's parents on accident wile watching TV. lolooll.
210) Have you ever fallen asleep on someone else?: uhhh-huh
211) Do you put on a front for anyone?: what's "a front"?
212) Do you cry?: alot.
213) Do you have a pen-pal?: I have the NML...
214) If so, how long have you been communicating?: blooooog.
215) Do you have friends in other parts of the world?: NMLers!!!!! but most of them live in the US.
216) Have you ever gotten in trouble with the police?: no
217) Have you ever committed a felony?: i don't think so.
218) Do you believe in fate?: si
219) Have you ever been skinny-dipping?: no.
220) Do you believe in yourself?: sometimes...
221) What kind of pin-ups do you have on your walls?: IF I'M YOUR PIN-UP, I'LL MELT ALL YOUR BRASS!!! MISS SAIGON!!! WEEE!!!
222) What is the background on your computer screen of?: aIt's light blue at the moment...but if I had if my way, it would be so pretty.
223) What languages do you know?: english, and italian.
224) Have you ever visited another country?: CANADA!
225) Have you ever needed to call 911?: yes...it was so scary
226) Do you have a sweet-tooth?: *nods*
227) What restaurant do you enjoy going to the most?: roadhouse grill and chinesee resraunts.
228) Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?: yep.
229) Do you own a motorcycle, and if so, what kind?: no.
230) Have you ever committed a misdemeanor?: i don't know.
231) Do you consider yourself organized?: no.
232) Have you ever fainted?: i wish...
233) Do you wear a watch?: no
234) Do you wear any jewelry?: yeah.
235) Did you enjoy climbing trees when you were younger?: I still enjoy climbing trees.
236) Have you ever driven through a cornfield?: *nods* it was funn
237) Do you have pictures around the frame of your mirror?: yeah...but they're of my friends
238) Has an airline ever lost your luggage?: never been on a plane
239) What are you listening to right now?: silence. complete silence.
240) What are you eating right now?: nothing.
241) What are you thinking right now?: MY FUCKING STOMACH HURTS!! DAMMIT! I HATE BEING A GIRL!!!
242) Do you spend money more than you save?: sometimes...
243) Have you ever read/bought something "just for the articles"?: yes.
244) Do you believe in aliens?: i donno...
245) Do you believe in God, the Devil, heaven or hell?: i donno...
246) Do you believe in reincarnation?: si
247) If so, what/who do you think you were in your past life?: I got murderd, by a knife. *nods*