Return from a daftly long unexpected hiatus

Jul 21, 2014 12:48

Hey guys. So I kind of dropped off here completely in March, because of a range of things. Some of these were:

A bereavement in early March which threw me off kilter for a bit
My course having an absurd schedule, which meant hardly any marked work/deadlines in the first term and a bit and then ALL THE DEADLINES ALL THE TIME in the last half of the course.
Sitting an A level
Injuring myself in a way both comic and deeply painful at a LARP event. (Required stitches in my calf, it is probably 80% healed now, but it has been 80% healed for a bit)
My healing prowess, which can only be described as having reverse Wolverine healing powers.
The weather causing constant migraines, and hay fever.
And worsening the weird pain thing I have been having, which I have been informed is probably either arthritis or gout. (Have to have blood tests next week to ascertain which, or either)
And just... constant exhaustion.

Good News: I have now done an Access To Higher Education course, and an A2 in English Language and Literature. Both of those were good, and should mean that come September or October I am GOING TO UNIVERSITY, to do English. I will post a bit more about the course later, and am waiting on grades (I have one really high offer, and one really low offer, and I do not know if I will meet the high one but am hoping to do so).

Other good news: I am going to World Con, in the company of my AWESOME BABY SISTER, whom I have finally convinced to go to something geeky *with* me for the first time since 2008 or so. (Note: awesome Baby Sister is in fact nearly 20, and did go to lots of geeky things with me up until about the age of 13/14 when she got really into Manga and started only going to geeky things related to that. She is a really good artist, and really clever, and also going to university in the autumn, but to do History). We have cosplay plans.

Apologies: to the person from the March Tarot draw, whose cards I never got round to typing up.

I will post more later but yes, I am back, to an extent. 

health, being lancelot, education, happiness

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