Three Card Draw for the March Full Moon

Mar 16, 2014 21:43

Hallo, I'm doing another Three Card Draw. This is open until 12 pm GMT on Tuesday 18th Marcg and any questions asked until it's marked closed count.

It is entirely free, although there is a tip jar at the bottom.

I'm your host, Inigo- I've been practising Tarot for about three and a half years now, and first got into it through a free draw on someone elses journal, so figured karmically I owed it back.

The deck I'm using this month is the Lo Scarabeo Manga Tarot, an interesting deck which flips the traditional genders of many of the cards.

WHAT TO DO: Ask your question, either under your username or if it's an anonymous post signed with a name I can use for the reading.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer, doctor or licensed professional.  Comments will be screened until I answer them- if you wish yours to stay screened, please put a note in it.

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