Nov 04, 2004 14:24
well today was a pretty lousy day.
i fell asleep in science.thats the first time i have ever fallen asleep in class.woops.
some things were good.there was this fight kinda sorta in parenting was pretty entertaining.third period mrs banco decided to pick a fight w/ me and like i slept.and gym i walked the track w. erin and she was talking to me about her guy stories.then lunch rolled around and i felt like kinda left out.except vinnie was talking to me and took me on line with i guess those are okay things.?
and then there are the things that wont change for the world.and those are the things i hate. i hate how things can be so complicated in a situation when really they can be simple.i hate knowing my feelings are too strong and unwanted.and i hate knowing that i want sumthing and should have it.but just cant....
all these little things.that i know i shouldnt even be near worrying about.have gotten me all upset,confused and frustrated.and i really have to stop that.cause it is not like me to worry like this or get mad about any stupid little im chases the most important people away.
......and thats the last thing i need......