Pokemon Human Character Collection

Sep 02, 2014 16:22

Still need a good display case for these. Might hold off and see how many human plush I plan on having commissioned first. I'd like to get a more accurate May and a Max to go with her first. Possibly some game-inspired Gym Leaders after that picking favorites first.

Overall not a very big collection so far. Diamond Peal Ash is one of the infamous "12 inch plush". Not the worst unofficial thing, would be great of they made even one line of human character plush. Still the Ash/Serena tomy figures are a great start :D I will be ordering them soon if Serena doesn't get a US release like Ash.

I'm happy to own the complete original series TOMY set after getting Nurse Joy at a decent price. I'm not positive if others exist like Gary or Oak, I think they were a different, smaller set sometimes bootlegged as being with the large set causing the confusion. Jakks Dawn fits in pretty well with them C: Hope to get the rest of the Hasbro set (Misty & Brock) and Jakks set (Ash and Brock). Dawn was a lucky surprise at work (thrift store). Would of expected Ash more, but still haven't seen one :P
The little standee things I think came with a game originally. I think I have Ash and Paul somewhere(only Paul thing ever minus DVDs? :O )

Love the BW Trainer and Pokemon Kid sets. Only missing Jessie and James right now. Grabbed the others from a little Japanese figure store but they never got Team Rocket in :C Misty container originally had gum in it I believe from the 90's. Back in the day Misty and TR were my favorite human characters. :>

One of my most prized pieces in my collection: my custom May plush from Setsuna * Haruka's anime shop website. One of their older made plush I got her when she was being resold on eBay. I had never been so nervous with an eBay auction. And I thought I was bad most of the time lol But in the end here she is :D Random kiddie book with unusual May/Torchic art. Had to grab this at the bookstore :P Plan on putting it at the back of a shelving cabinet when I display my Trainers. I could become a completionist when it comes to May. Down to every last little paper thing xD

Close up of May. She even has her SO accurate fannypack and her bandanna, eeek <3 Sweet expression she has too. I need a Max to go with her >.< I think I love customs more then official goods sometimes <3
On the way I have a custom made May (RS version) Bandana from Etsy. Same artist offers the Emerald and Pokespe versions which I plan on getting soon aswell before they sell out. Been looking for these for over 2 years now <3
Next I'll be posting my wants list consisting of my Pokemon Team plushie project, Human characters, and random various wants :P

pokemon ash misty brock jessie james pau

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