
Oct 14, 2002 20:49

YIPPIE!!! My cd burner is fixed!!!! Thank God...I was going through SERIOUS withdrawl! LOL

Anyway...Yippie, Yippie, Yippie!!!! Vince sweet_babyboy and Jess orqxsms are back togetha again....yeah...like there was any doubt! LOL They are so adorable though. I haven't heard from Angel in a while though.... ::starts to worry::

Anyway...I've had an awesome day! My wonderful husband always knows how to make me feel better. Woo hoo!!!! ::BIG smile::

::Looks around innocently:: Other than that...not much happened today. I spent most of my day on Cloud 9. Ok...so I'm still there...sheesh...you say it like it's a BAD thing! LOL

Don't ask...I couldn't tell ya. I'm seriously thinkin somethin was in the burgers tonight! hehehee

For the first time in a while, I'm in an awesome mood and NOT freaking out about every little thing. I'm still freaking out a little, but NOWHERE as bad as I have been. I'm in a pretty good mood for once.

Guess what!?! Baylynn's birthday is a little over a month away!!! YIPPIE!!!! We're having a "Teddy Bear" party! I can't wait. I'm so excited. She'll be 3. YES...presents are acceptable....so is money...her little piggy bank (Suzie....she named it..not me) is hungry. hehehehe

Well...Ima go for now....catcha lata...

Luv ya


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