Holy Wow!!!

Oct 13, 2002 00:07

Today was Cr@zY!!! I've been up since about 7am and I'm STILL wide awake. Nope, no nap either. I have NO idea what's going on.

Tommy and I had a wonderful day together as usual. He always makes me feel so wonderful and perfect. Captain assfuck has decided yet again to tell me how ugly I am. He's REALLY lucky Tommy can't get to him. LOL

Why can't he just stay out of my life? Why does he feel the need to constantly try to bother me!?! I'm happily (MORE than happily) married now! Doesn't he get that? Is that some foreign concept or something? What the hell? I just don't get it. I don't understand why that's so hard to comprehend! Don't hit on the married chick!!! Don't try to get with the married chickie!!!! Is that really that difficult? Ummmm....NO!!!!

Anyway...Rach..pixychic...we may need to take a spontaneous road trip soon!!! I'm NOT a happy camper!

Well, other than that..not much happened. It was a pretty normal day.

Rach pixychic....hehehee...what can I say? Fun times and crazy times. There's NO WAY in hell I'm posting that pic!!! LOL Thanks though. PS...GO YOU!!!! hehehehe

Micky...what on earth would I do without you? After everything that happened between us, you've still been absolutely wonderful. I can't even begin to thank you enough for everything you've done. Thank you though. ::hug::

Mookie njfsu...Thanks. You're a great friend and I don't know what I'd do without you.

Min hoocch....YIPPIE!!!! I'm so excited for you and James. Abigail is adorable. Congrats!!! And thanks for being a great friend. We've been through a LOT together and it's never been a dull moment. I'm glad all that's past us now and I'm glad we've gotten to be friends again. You've been great. Thanks for everything.

Vince sweet_babyboy and Jess orqxsms...you guys are so adorable together. I know that life's not always fair and it seems impossible to get through things sometimes...but don't ever give up. Fight for what you believe in. I'll always be here for you both if you ever need a friend. Luv ya's.... ::group hug:: LOL

Erin erin72079us WOW!!! I can't believe we've been friends for almost 17 years. That's a long ass time and holy shit do I feel old! LOL Baylynn & Kenny are going to make such a cute couple....hehehehe Anyway...we've been through a lot in the past 16+ years...and it just keeps getting more and more interesting. Thank you for being my best-friend. I don't know what I'd do without you.

TommyBear JasminesLuv...What do I say? Where do I begin? Again...we've been friends for almost 17 years...(hehehe...I knew Erin ONE week before I met you..hehehe)....and in those almost 17 years, we've gone through so much together and shared so much together that most people never even thought possible. It's hard for people to understand what we have because it's so rare, but so wonderful. You truly are my love, my life, my heart, my soul, my husband and most of all, my best-friend! (Sorry Erin...you both are though) There's nothing in this world that I couldn't share with you. There's nothing on Earth that I couldn't tell you and there's never any doubt in my mind that we will spend the rest of our lives together. I know with all of my heart and soul that you will never do anything to ever hurt me or Baylynn and we both love you so very much. We have been through things that most people can't even imagine in their worst nightmares, but somehow, we've made it through them all and have become stronger and more wonderful because of it. I completely trust you with everything I am, everything I have and everything I know. I love you, Thomas and nothing in the world will ever change that. I can't imagine one day without your smile...one day without your laugh...one day without your I love you's....one second without your love. And I thank God every single day for never having to worry about that. There's not a moment that goes by that I'm not grateful for the love, the happiness, the laughter and the peace that I feel in my life because of you. Not to sound to cliche...but....Thomas James...YOU COMPLETE ME! Without you, I feel empty, lost and alone. Thank you for filling the emptiness inside of me with your love. Words can never truly express how much that means to me. I love you.

Ok...well now that I've said that...I think Ima get my butt to bed soon. Hehehehe...I am so excited though, I don't know if I'll be able to sleep. I think it's adorable that Tommy has his family update his journal to surprise me. Thanks Mom T. hehehehe...I luv ya! ::hugs:: Thank you so much for everything, Tommy & I both love you very much...so does Baylynn. hehehehe

Anyway...I'm REALLY tired now and I think my blankets that Baylynn decided to wash are finally clean and dry. I can't wait to snuggle up and go to sleep and have wonderful dreams of my wonderful family.

Hope everyone has a great night. ::yawn:: Hope to talk to you all soon.

Luv ya...



~~~~~~~~I LOVE YOU, TOMMYBEAR!!!!~~~~~~~~
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