Oct 20, 2004 22:42

lmao kevin c u rock! cha uhm HOMECOMING IS 2 DAYS AWAY NOT COUNTING TODAY...HOMECOMING IS 2 DAYS AWAY....HOMECOMING IS 2 DAYS AWAY! OMG I LOVE TOM FELTON WTIH A DEEP PASSION hahaha havent really said much about him in a while. well i read his blog like 2 seconds ago and he was like nikki sorry to hear about all the hardship floridas going through with the hurricanes a couple weeks ago i wrote to him and told him that he was so awesome and that i loved him and how awesome he was and how im totally gonna do him in 3 years when i go to europe lol ok so maybe i didnt tell him i was gonna do him but i was thinking it LOL JUST KIDDING uhm i swear on my life if i could get him to come to homecoming i would but he's like filming movie #4 cant wait for that one!!! therss some ACTION in the end ( i think i cant remember ) lol ask jackie she's been like re reading all the books uhm ok yesterday was so effing hilarious cuz of senior valet auctions..and today was a kinda shitty day for me...i was counting on something to cheer me up but it just didnt happen and it might happen tommorrow or at least by the end of the week. so yea and at the volleyball game they all did the go home freshman chant so just for the hell of it we did the go home sophmores chant yea so what if ppl think we're stupid it was fun lol and i totally caught aaron taking pictures of god only knows what (i think it was the girls asses on the volleyball team) GOD AARONS A PERV but hes so funny so its all good lol ok i really dont feel like typing that much anymore so i love you and here are some cool cool lyrics:


Your eyes tell the stories of a day you wish you could
Recall the moments that once have
Retrack the footsteps that brought us to this favor
I wouldn't ask this of you

Good eye, sniper
I shoot, you run
The words you scribbled on the walls
With the loss of friends you didn't have
I called you and the time is right
Are you in or are you out?
For them all to know the end of us all

Run quick, they're behind us
Didn't think we'd ever make it
This close to safety in one piece
Now you wanna kill me in the act of what could maybe
Save us from sleep and what we are

Good eye, sniper
Now I shoot, you run
The words you scribbled on the walls
With the loss of friends you didn't have
I called you and the time is right
Are you in or are you out?
For them all to know the end of us all

Bye bye beautiful
Don't bother to write
Disturbed by your words and they're calling all cars
Face step, let down.
Face step, step down.

The words you scribbled on the walls
With the loss of friends you didn't have
I called you and the time is right
Are you in or are you out?
For them all to know

Bye bye beautiful
Don't bother to write
Disturbed by your words and they're calling all cars
Face step, let down.
Face step, step down.

Bye bye beautiful
Don't bother to write
Disturbed by your words and they're calling all cars
Face step, let down.
Face step, step down.

Bye bye beautiful
Don't bother to write
Disturbed by your words and they're calling all cars
Face step, let down.
Face step, step down.

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