Where Y'at...?

Jul 17, 2019 10:37

I went to New Orleans this past spring and I learned about "yat" culture. As in, "Where y'at?" Where are you in life? How is your life? Because I'm an information and culture junkie, I particularly enjoyed learning about that tidbit. It's colloquial and fun...different, to be sure. But since I was raised in Youngstown and I have stood in the shadow of Pittsburgh for my whole life, I know better than to make fun of colloquialisms. But I particcularly liked "where y'at?"

So here's my answer. I'm tired. Like, exhausted. And I'm a day away from a MAJOR flight to Hawaii. I'm on my way to meet my sister and her kids in Honolulu. Our other sister and her son will meet us there on Friday. And I feel so tired, I would skip it all in favor of having a week alone to simply do what I want to do. Mostly, that would be sleep. I would spend a week sleeping.

The school year is creeping up far too quickly and I don't feel prepared to go back. Not yet. Summer vacation could be double the time and I just don't know if I could get enough of it these days. I have decided...I have decided that the cold weather is going to be a thing of the past just as soon as I can arrange it. But that's not stopping me from dreaming and scheming in the fashion I seem to want to do. I'm thinking about consolidating everything. Coming back to one household and discontinuing this hybrid life. There are many reasons for that but mostly, it's about making things more convenient. Sometimes I think, "How did I get to this place?" And the answer to that is, I built a life I thought was for keeps, but now I know that life is way more fluid for me than it ever could have been if I had taken the conventional route. It is really just that simple.

And that is the name of the game for me. I'm perfecting the art of fluidity. I'm going to go to Hawaii and enjoy myself but then the remainder of the summer is going to have to be slow and low. I can't skid sideways into another school year, breathless from the things summer brought about. I am going to have to slow down. It's a matter of will. My will.

All of the decisions that I think I have to make as this season draws to a close can be put off for a while, they can. And it's probably better if I don't think too fast. I don't want to misstep.

I'll post more along the near adventure.
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