OOC POST [Information]

Jan 10, 2009 20:44

First thing: I would like to ask what you guys think about OOC posts. Is it okay to post information about the character that can affect the way he interacts?  And what if I reserved one (and only one) post for fanfics from Romano's POV (if I wanted to add another fic, I would simply edit the post)? Would it be better if I kept this kind of thing for nation's only or open for everyone? Hmm.. when I say 'ooc post' I mean 'things about Romano that I consider interesting/important for others but that I couldn't post because Romano never would'.

I get very... hm... worried about writing anything OOC here because I don't feel like this journal is mine or that others won't approve of this.

This will be a temporary (if I decide that I shouldn't be posting anything OOC, I'll probably erase it) OOC post:

I was stalking checking 4chan and found this picture:

I know that fanarts are not known for being loyal to history, but I trust that Helatia fans are not exactly like that. Well, even knowing that this fancomic might be inaccurate I still got curious about it. Usually japanese fanartist use their human names instead of their nation names as to not connect the characters with the nations (and this also frees them of having to study history orz) but this one clearly uses their nation names スペイン and ロマーノ. So maybe this person was trying to relate a historical moment.

Anyway, I noticed three things that really made me curious about this specific comic:
1) The flag in the left side of the first panel looks like Prussia's but I'm not really sure.
2) S. Italy looks very young.
3) S. Italy was obviously taken against his will (I'll ignore any subtext here).

I need a little help from Spain-mun, Prussia-mun or any Italian: "Was South Italy captured by Prussia in the early stages of the Spainish domination?" After hunting for more information (and not finding any no matter if I searched in English, Spanish or Portuguese) I'm starting to doubt it, but maybe my Google-fu skills weren't good enough... What do you guys think? Do you have any information about it? Translation or a little help with those terrible kanjis would be welcomed.

I got this: (? means a kanji that I couldn't find/interpret/understand from the picture)
alakheniel found the missing kanjis and did the translation of the parts in which they were missing. Thank you very much and I'm sorry for bothering you at 2a.m.!

"I'll certainly bring you back,
wait(for me), Romano!"

Spain screamed
Covered in blood.

怖かった 。
I was afraid.

I didn't know if
Spain would die.

I could only
Cry powerlessly


It was true that I was a little afraid
seeing for the first time Spain
while he fought

I can't finish because there are too many kanjis missing. I'm sorry if I made any mistakes, but I only know 40 kanjis (maybe a little more) and I had to search around the internet for the rest of them. (also, it took me like forever to notice that deru kiru = deki(nakute)...) And only after I gave up on trying to find those damn kanjis did I notice that the translation doesn't help... at all. *pissed off* (problem solved)

I really want to know about this (yes, I turned into a historyfag) because I spent the whole afternoon trying to translate this while searching for information about Italy Romano would love to call Prussia by more names than pervert and bastard or to make fun of him saying 'Says the man that lost to Spain' or something like that.

Edited: I would like to thank viva_la_yaoi , alakheniel , roxasbones and t_sadiq_eu - WAIT!  NO THANKS TO TURKEY! I just discovered that he used to steal me from Spain and someone said he's a SHOTA-MOLESTER! RUUUU~N GREECE, RUUUUN!!! No, just kidding! I love Turkey and Turkey-mun! :D And yes, I enjoy annoying the hell out of him, but if anyone asks me about it, I'll deny! - For helping me with this comic!  I'm sorry if I wasted your time because of this and I'm really thankful for your help! I discovered many things, like: What the hell do you people have with black birds? A little creativity wouldn't hurt! No, just kidding, I learned (I wrote 'learnt' but spellcheck was being gay... Arthur does not approve of this!)  many things from flags, to wars, to Austria being evil and that Hetalia fans are freaking awesome, they know EVERYTHING. :D

Conclusion: It was Austria's fault! I' sorry for blaming you, Prussia.

ooc, question, information

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