October is cold now! It's been raining all day and now the weather is only a few degrees away from being cold enough for gloves!
Definitely, requires a nice swooshy jacket.
Maybe even a scarf ^.^ (Gryffindor Scarf Weather - Whoooooo!!)
And now that the temperature has dropped knitting a sweater is in season! I've got a
Slytherin Quidditch Sweater from "Charmed Knits" on my circular needles, It's fourteen or so inches in to the front and I'm just about to discover the wonders of binding off/decreasing the armholes for the second time. First time didn't go so well.
Exciting times.
ALSO: saw on Pushing Daisies last night that Emerson Cod ( The P.I.) knits when he's upset. I love his little gun cozies and all the little baggies he's knitted up to hold his reward money. Loving this show btw, It has random bursting into song!