
May 29, 2008 08:09

Grief and fear are a bitter breakfast. >_<

I wanted to write a whole story, describing why ... but ... s'too close. So, I won't.

Yeah. Tastes nasty, and my tummy hurts.

Rebellion too ... I can't just ... say, "Okay, God, whatever." This is a "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING GOD!? FIX THIS!!!!!"

Too scared to trust Him .... too scared. T_T

"All times are soon."

"The Lord desires that none should perish."

"His faithfulness is everlasting."

"Taste and see that the Lord is good."

"Have you seen my servant, Job?"

"Praise the Lord, for He is good, his mercies endure forever, his lovingkindness from generation to generation. Praise the lord."

My tummy hurts. T_T



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