Sengoku BASARA: Open to Interpretation [Kojuurou, Sasuke]

Jul 20, 2010 20:53

Title: “Open to Interpretation”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: G
Timeline: post-Episode 1x08
Summary: Sasuke tries to get to know Kojuurou.
Disclaimer: Sengoku BASARA belongs to Capcom, Production I.G. and whatnot.
A/N: insanishvikkixd requested KojuSasu… but I just can’t see them as a pairing. T_T Sorry. Here’s some gen instead. It’s pretty vague, but strongly ( Read more... )

anime, gen, ch: katakura kojuurou, ch: sarutobi sasuke, sengoku basara, fanfiction

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Comments 17

dune_master July 20 2010, 17:57:18 UTC
Oh, more Kojuurou! Kono Kojuurou is happy.

I like how this fic seems to speak volumes about Kojuurou's state of mind and yet it says all that only in half-words somehow. Kojuurou both doubts his actions and is 100 % sure that he's right. The parallels between Sasuke and Kojuurou both as people and as samurai and shinobi are awesome.

And the last line is love!

Also, I know it'd be OOC, but I found myself wishing they discussed their masters in more detail. XPP

“Masamune-sama can be… difficult.”
That is spot-on! XPPPPP If there is the right word for Masamune, that's just it.


istne_pieklo July 20 2010, 18:05:16 UTC
I bet you are, ebil person)))
Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it. I feared it was too... vague, so to speak. Dunno...
LOOOL, you're not alone in this))) I really wanted to write smth like that, but then the fic took a pretty serious turn (I even contemplated making it crack at first, but failed)))
Do you recognize that line btw? It's sort of inspired by smth else)))


transient_words July 20 2010, 19:30:24 UTC
I liked this a lot, darling, but am currently too brain-dead to deliver a proper comment.

W-wait a day or two and I'll tell you what I liked XD

And yeah, more discussion about their masters would have been nice XD.


istne_pieklo July 20 2010, 19:36:07 UTC
No problem))) I'm surprised you read this at all. It's so heavily tied to the anime that it's pretty hard to understand not knowing what Kojuurou did and so on.
Nice, but OOC)))))


transient_words July 20 2010, 19:39:58 UTC
Hmm, you have a point - but I can just always appreciate the writing.

But you know since I'm closing to finishing SD soon and have caught up with the most recent of Berserk, I now have more time to explore this fandom.


LOL. Probably. But then again, I wouldn't know ._.


istne_pieklo July 20 2010, 19:57:31 UTC
I guess so))
Well, Kojuurou isn't the type to talk much, esp. behind Masamune's back. And Sasuke, for all his laid-back attitude, is pretty serious when it comes to his job too.


insanishvikkixd July 20 2010, 19:39:40 UTC
OMG! THAT WAS AWESOME! I loved it! Thank you!

I didn't expect for you to write this so quickly, haha. Thank you for writing even though you're not a fan of KojuSasu.

Main reason that I ship them is because of MasaYuki. Both Kojuurou and Sasuke are retainers and have to look after their bosses, so they have things in common C: Besides, Kojuurou needs someone to nag at him as well xD



istne_pieklo July 20 2010, 19:59:20 UTC
THANK YOU!! I'm glad you liked it)))
Well, I like them both a lot and they could make good friends if their countries were to ally))) So it was fun to write! XDDD


insanishvikkixd July 20 2010, 21:55:17 UTC
Haha yeah. To me, once their relationship starts to grow, Sasuke can be a little... skankyflirty.

Imma be coming to you for fanfic requests now, haha. Prepare Yourself!


istne_pieklo July 20 2010, 21:57:51 UTC
Hahaha, yes, quite possibly))) I just can't see Kojuurou responding. He seems to have only one man on his mind, in whichever sense you wish to interpret it)))))
LOL, not that I mind)))))


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istne_pieklo July 21 2010, 06:41:50 UTC
Sasuke is a clever manipulator))) He can see that Kojuurou appreciates honesty... so he's honest about everything, muhaha ( ... )


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