Sengoku BASARA: Open to Interpretation [Kojuurou, Sasuke]

Jul 20, 2010 20:53

Title: “Open to Interpretation”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: G
Timeline: post-Episode 1x08
Summary: Sasuke tries to get to know Kojuurou.
Disclaimer: Sengoku BASARA belongs to Capcom, Production I.G. and whatnot.
A/N: insanishvikkixd requested KojuSasu… but I just can’t see them as a pairing. T_T Sorry. Here’s some gen instead. It’s pretty vague, but strongly ( Read more... )

anime, gen, ch: katakura kojuurou, ch: sarutobi sasuke, sengoku basara, fanfiction

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transient_words July 20 2010, 19:30:24 UTC
I liked this a lot, darling, but am currently too brain-dead to deliver a proper comment.

W-wait a day or two and I'll tell you what I liked XD

And yeah, more discussion about their masters would have been nice XD.


istne_pieklo July 20 2010, 19:36:07 UTC
No problem))) I'm surprised you read this at all. It's so heavily tied to the anime that it's pretty hard to understand not knowing what Kojuurou did and so on.
Nice, but OOC)))))


transient_words July 20 2010, 19:39:58 UTC
Hmm, you have a point - but I can just always appreciate the writing.

But you know since I'm closing to finishing SD soon and have caught up with the most recent of Berserk, I now have more time to explore this fandom.


LOL. Probably. But then again, I wouldn't know ._.


istne_pieklo July 20 2010, 19:57:31 UTC
I guess so))
Well, Kojuurou isn't the type to talk much, esp. behind Masamune's back. And Sasuke, for all his laid-back attitude, is pretty serious when it comes to his job too.


transient_words July 20 2010, 20:10:00 UTC
:D I love your writing, dear. So I can appreciate it even if I don't know anything about the fandom.

I figured so much from your characterisation, yes. I rather like the sound of this Sasuke character. He seems interesting.

And not as annoying as the other Sasuke


istne_pieklo July 20 2010, 20:19:25 UTC
The same as it is for me when I read your fics))))
Yeah, he's awesome))) We ROFLed hard when Mikoto said Sasuke was named after Sandaime's father... cuz, hello, SARUTOBI SASUKE! XDDD And he does look a bit like Sandaime crossed with Nidaime)))


transient_words July 20 2010, 20:24:10 UTC
<333 Don't flatter me too much; you make me blush.

XDDDD LOL. I think you need to force me into reading this manga/watching the anime. Like now.

You must, you must!


istne_pieklo July 20 2010, 20:38:33 UTC
Making you blush is fun)))
How exactly?)))) GOOOOO WAAAATCH!!!! FANGIRL WITH MEEEE~!!!!! (Is it working?)))


transient_words July 20 2010, 21:00:05 UTC
OH! You're hidden seme powers are coming out!


It is working!



istne_pieklo July 20 2010, 21:59:08 UTC
Muhahahah! Good to know! Waaatch! Date says waaatch it))))


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